Home Page 2025

Record-breaking X-Class Flares—WWIII Fears—Dying Planet—Disease—A plethora of comets—Are all Signs And Wonders—2024 was in all sense and purpose a shit show . . . But I fear 2025 will be a defining year like never before!

Live Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaii (Halemaʻumaʻu crater) There are no immediate threats to infrastructure and no reports of casualties . . .

BIG WOBBLE COMMENT—Saudi Arabian ploughs his car into a 'Christmas Market' and claims to be an anti-muslim activist—NO SORRY THAT DOES NOT WORK! Why are the drones “Not nefarious,” (not EVIL)
An evening with ChatGPT—DARPA's Theory of Mind (ToM) refers to the development of artificial intelligence systems that can understand, model, and predict the beliefs, desires, and intentions of other agents (human or machine)I asked. "COULD DARPA’s NEW AI TECHNOLOGY—THEORY OF MIND BE THE MARK OF THE BEAST?"

They say, "FACT IS STRANGER THAN FICTION!" We were told there would be days like this—strange days, as the song goes! Was it always like this? Maybe— Sleepy Joe Biden! Wars, Turbo Cancers, Autism scare, Spiritual Warfare, Lost Souls, Hero Killers, Pardoned criminals and Earthquake Bombs!

A Big Wobble Exclusive! More Deception Than Ever Before—Project Blue Beam? There will be great 'earthquakes, terrors and 'great signs from heaven. Dec 24/25, 1957 . . . A DEVINE INTERVENTION? Could another cataclysmic Pole-Shift be on its way?
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