Signs and wonders: The incredible coincidence between January's Blood Moon and President Donald Trump: A sign for America?
Signs and wonders, Joel 2:31: “The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes” (English Standard Version).
If you are a Christian then Armageddon is closer than it's ever been before and a Blood Moon is a phenomenon mentioned many times in the Bible as an apocalyptic omen.
But just what makes the upcoming January 21 total eclipse of the Moon ("BLOOD MOON") so special?
According to Pastor Paul Begley, what is significant about this Blood Moon is the incredible "coincidence" it’s on the second anniversary of Trump being sworn in as President.
Today marks the 208th day in 2018 that the sun has been without spots: But 2018 is set to be the 4th warmest since records began: Warming or cooling?
The current solar cycle, 24 is declining more quickly than forecast.
According to Dr.Tony Phillips of, the solar cycle is at low ebb.
Today marks the 208th day in 2018 that the sun has been without spots, that's 59% of the year, doubling the number of spotless days in 2017.
The count won't be able to double again in 2019; there aren't enough days in the year!
However, we can expect a further deepening of Solar Minimum in the year ahead with, literally, hundreds of spotless days to come.
A double whale stranding in New Zealand's South Island kills almost 150 pilot whales coinciding with massive coronal activity on our sun
A total of 145 pilot whales have died after becoming stranded in a remote part of New Zealand.
A hiker found the 145 whales in two pods just over a mile apart on Stewart Island, a small island to the south of the country's South Island.
They had been half-buried in the sand and around half of them were already dead.
The rest were in very bad health and were euthanized, due to the lack of potential rescuers and the difficulty they would have faced in reaching the location.
The whales had been 22 miles from Oban, the main town on Stewart Island, which only has around 400 people.
As a Siberian city endures temperatures of -50 C, (-58 deg F) NASA claim whole global temperature about to plummet in a matter of months
As California burns and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere prepare for winter after a record-breaking warm summer spare a thought for residents of Krasnoyarsk Siberia who are already enduring temperatures of -50 C, (-58 deg F)
And according to NASA spokesman, temperatures for the whole globe could be about to plummet as our sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age.
Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018 and Earth’s upper atmosphere is responding, says Dr Phillips, editor of
Solar storm hitting Earth from massive Coronal Hole almost 1 million km long on our Sun coincides with 4 major quakes last night
On October the 6th The Big Wobble posted a major quake warning from an enormous Coronal Hole on our Sun, it stretched more than 900,000 km from the sun's north polar crown across the equator into the sun's southern hemisphere, it was a giant and the solar wind being ejected from this monster was heading toward Earth at one million mph and was expected to hit the Earth's magnetosphere head on yesterday, see the graph below. Full story here
Last night the solar wind arrived causing a geomatic storm which coincided with 4 major quakes, including a mag 6.0 earthquake in the Bali Sea just 600 hundred km from the mag 7.5 quake which devastated Palu in Indonesia.
Coronal holes are common this one is unusually large (It's one million km long) NOAA upgrade geomagnetic storm alert set to hit tomorrow
It stretches more than 900,000 km from the sun's north polar crown across the equator into the sun's southern hemisphere, it is a giant and the solar wind being ejected from this monster is heading toward Earth at one million mph and will hit the Earth's magnetosphere head on.
NOAA has upgraded their watch for geomagnetic storms on Oct. 7-8 from G1 (minor) to G2 (moderate to strong).
According to, Arctic auroras are almost certain to appear when the gaseous material arrives, and the light show could descend to northern-tier US States such as Maine, Michigan, and Washington.
Coronal holes are common, but this one is unusually large.
Heads up! A massive Coronal Hole on our Sun is now facing Earth watch out for more major quake and volcanic activity around Indonesia
Credit SDO
An enormous and ominous coronal hole on our Sun has turned and is now facing Earth along with a smaller hole also facing Earth and both are releasing a ferocious barrage of solar wind heading for our planet at incredible speeds. Solar wind flowing from this large coronal hole should reach Earth on Oct. 7-8. The intense solar wind from the smaller hole on the right is impacting Earth's magnetosphere right now, lasting until tomorrow. Each hole is spewing a stream of solar wind toward our planet at around 1 million mph.
Sunspot Solar Observatory close down coincides when a "billion-ton "MEGA" CME slammed into Earth's magnetic field 159 years earlier
The FBI was on the scene almost immediately.
Employees and the public have been indefinitely banned from the premises, and the observatory's website now reads: "TEMPORARILY CLOSED".
Federal officials aren't saying why it was closed, and the silence has led to international media coverage and plenty of speculation.
But authorities remaining tight-lipped.
So just what did happen in space in the days after the Sunspot Solar Observatory was closed down? Are we any wiser as to why it was closed
On the 6th of September according to, a fast-moving stream of solar wind was approaching Earth but was still at least a day away.
The gaseous material was flowing from a hole in the sun's atmosphere known as a coronal hole.
Apart from the coronal hole, the sun was blank--no sunspots.
On Sep. 6, 2018, NASA reported 19 fireballs.
Many experts are now claiming coronal activity on our sun can influence major quake activity here on Earth, on the 6th of Sep a massive mag 7.8 rocked Fiji after a mag 6.7 struck Japan the day before.
"TEMPORARILY CLOSED" What have they found? The FBI mysteriously close down the Sunspot Solar Observatory in New Mexico
Something is amiss in the state of New Mexico, and the chain of mysterious events has all the hallmarks of a sci-fi plot.
The state's Sunspot Solar Observatory, home to one of the largest active solar telescopes in the world, was shut down last Friday and all personnel evacuated.
The FBI was on the scene almost immediately.
Employees and the public have been indefinitely banned from the premises, and the observatory's website now reads: "TEMPORARILY CLOSED".
No one seems to know what is going on - not even the local sheriff, who sent his deputies onto the scene only to find absolutely no specific threat.
7 major quakes in 5 days rock the Pacific Ring Of Fire: All 7 have occurred during coronal activity and G1-class geomagnetic storms
Earth is currently inside a stream of solar wind flowing from a massive coronal hole on our Sun which is facing Earth, see dark areas on the image below.
This is the 2nd G1-class geomagnetic storm to impact Earth in the last few days after another coronal hole caused a G1-class geomagnetic storm on Sept the 7th and 8th.
The coronal activity on the Sun and the two geomagnetic storms have coincided with a flurry of seven major quakes to impact the Pacific Ring Of Fire, coincidence?
Right now, G1-class geomagnetic storms are sparking bright auroras around the Arctic Circle as a stream of high-speed solar wind buffets Earth's magnetic field.
Originally, NOAA forecasters thought the stream might cause a G2-class geomagnetic storm, but now it appears set to peak as a weaker G1-class disturbance.
A mystery ball of light zoomed over parts of Western Australia exploding and baffling witnesse: Suspected meteor
Photo The Perth Observatory
A mystery ball of light zoomed over parts of Australia before exploding and baffling witnesses who shared their disbelief on social media.
A huge bang was reportedly heard by residents in Western Australia after a giant, mysterious ball of light beamed across the night sky.
Social media went nuts with reports from baffled Aussies who said the "flaming object" ominously lit up the sky at about 7.40pm local time last night.
Some said the object appeared to explode and "continuing off into the clouds".
Several residents reported hearing a "huge bang" which took place about the time there was a "flash in the sky".
Dashcams and security systems captured the spectacle and many took to social media to describe what they saw.
The enormous 700,000 km-long coronal hole on the Sun is responsible for major quake and volcano activity uptick
Photo Credit SDO
As Earth is battered by a stream of solar wind flowing from an enormous 700,000 km-long coronal hole it comes as no surprise to me we have had a flurry of major quakes this week after the lowest count so far this century.
Since this massive hole opened up on the Sun around the 10th of August 4 major quakes have been registered across the planet three more than the entire month of June.
Last nights mag 6.6 Earthquake - the Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska was the 4th major quake in the last 4 days.
On top of the major quakes, we have also had an uptick with volcanic activity with nearly two dozen quakes striking the gigantic Katla volcano in Iceland and Japanese authorities are preparing to evacuate Kuchinoerabujima island after the threat of an eruption as earthquakes and sulphur emissions have suddenly increased dramatically.
Sun is split in two: A massive coronal hole has opened up on our Sun and is shooting solar wind directly towards Earth
A massive long coronal hole has opened up on our Sun and is shooting solar wind directly towards Earth at incredible speeds expected to reach 700 km/second.
According to NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the fissure on Aug. 13th pointing directly at Earth: This is a "coronal hole"--a region where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows a gaseous material to escape.
Solar wind emerging from the hole is expected to reach Earth on Aug. 16th and 17th.
The incoming stream of solar wind may be preceded by a CIR (co-rotating interaction region).
CIRs are transition zones between slow- and fast-moving solar wind.
Signs and wonders: Live Bible prophecy tonight as the longest "total lunar eclipse" in a hundred years will turn the moon to blood
Signs and wonders, Joel 2:31: “The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes” (English Standard Version).
Many people are in for a rare treat tonight as the Moon and Mars are converging for a midnight conjunction in the constellation Capricornus.
This is no ordinary meeting of heavenly bodies, according to, Mars is making a 15-year close approach to Earth, giving the Red Planet a luminosity that pierces the glare of the full Moon with ease during the longest "total lunar eclipse" in a hundred years
A humanoid EBE contacted my friend Ilona telling her of a crop-circle to be seen in the Czech Republic a whole month before it happened (Video)
Image of the actual crop-circle in a field in Bohdankov, Liberec, The Czech Republic. Reported 7th July Renata Králová Copyright 2018 link to crop-circle connector below
A dear friend of mine Ilona Podhrazska who is an author and ufologist from the Czech Republic sent me a private message on Facebook on the 24th of June telling me she had been informed by her alien contact EBE to watch out for a crop circle in the Czech Republic in July.
Now before all you sceptics start calling me a nut-job, Ilona has been in contact with a humanoid EBE since the 1990's and is very famous in the ufo world and the Czech Republic and has appeared on many television shows and written a book on her exploits with the humanoid EBE
A fireball with a punch of about 3 kilotons slams into the atmosphere over Russia at 32,200 miles per hour (51,800 kilometres per hour)
More than five years after a large space rock slammed into the atmosphere over Russia, shattering thousands of windows in the city of Chelyabinsk below, another meteor exploded in the sky over the country last week, lighting up the early morning sky.
The fireball was captured on camera near the town of Lipetsk, between Moscow and the Ukrainian border.
It glows brightly for a second, leaving a trail of smoke that lingers for several minutes afterwards. The impact of the meteor on Earth's atmosphere was picked up by US government sensors used to detect nuclear explosions, among other things.
Major quake drought should be over (31 DAYS WITHOUT ONE) as a massive coronal hole opens up on our sun
Photo credit SDO
A massive coronal hole has opened up on our Sun and is ejecting solar wind which will buffet Earth's magnetic field around the 19th of June.
42 of the 43 major quakes this year have occurred during coronal activity on the sun this year.
We have had a major quake (mag 6 +) drought here on Earth, 31 DAYS WITHOUT ONE, which must be some kind of a recent record but I'm expecting major quakes in the coming days as the solar wind from the coronal hole blasts Earth's magnetic field at speeds of around 800km/second.
The last major quake to strike our planet was way back on the 18th of May when a Mag 6.2 - hit the Kermadec Islands north of New Zealand.
Major quake alert: Massive coronal hole on the surface of the Sun faces Earth: NOAA forecasters say a 60% chance of G1-class storm
Photo Credit SDO
If you thought major quakes have fallen off a cliff edge recently well you would be correct.
We have to go back 22 days since the last major quake struck our planet, a magnitude 6.2 in Tajikistan.
This, however, could be about to change in the coming days as a massive coronal hole on the surface of the sun has turned to face our planet.
We should expect major quake activity.
According to, NOAA forecasters say there is a 60% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on June 1st when a solar wind stream is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field.
Massive Coronal Hole stretching almost across the face of the Sun delivers a G2 magnetic storm and wakes up The Pacific Ring Of Fire
24 days ago another major quake hit Papua New Guinea incredibly it was the 13th of this year to hit the volatile country in the South Pacific.
That major quake was the 25th major quake of a very busy year along the Pacific Ring Of Fire, however, since then the major quake count has dropped off the cliff, not just around the Pacific Ring Of Fire but the whole planet, volcano activity also stopped around the same time.
Since then a mag 6.2 - 54km SW of Ovalle, Chile was the 35th and last major quake of 2018 to hit our planet almost a month ago, until yesterday.
A mag 6.1 at Luzon the Philippines and of course the mag 6.9 on the South Island Hawaii woke up the Pacific Ring Of Fire with a bang.
Our Sun awakes from slumber! Sunspot AR2706 twice as wide as Earth and a new northern coronal hole turn to face Earth
Dozens of whales washed up on a beach in New Zealand once again during coronal activity on our Sun
Dozens of whales washed up on a beach in New Zealand in bizarre circumstances.
Pictures from the beach in Haast, in the South Westland region show 38 whales' remains strewn across the landscape.
Among the total number of whales, there were 12 found alive, but they had to be euthanised by conservationists.
The whales became stranded after swimming too close to the shore at the mouth of the Okuru river. While it's clear how they washed up, the reason as to why they swam so close to the shore remains a mystery.
New Zealand Department of Conservation manager Wayne Costello said conditions were too dangerous to rescue those found alive.
Another major quake hits Papua New Guinea (13 this year) as a canyon-shaped hole stretching nearly 1 million km faces Earth on our Sun
Another powerful magnitude 6.5 quake, reduced to a 6.3 by USGS has struck the remote highlands of Papua New Guinea early on Saturday, the European earthquake monitoring service reported.
The very shallow quake was only two km (1.2 miles) deep and 93 km (58 miles) southwest of Porgera in the Enga province, said the EMSC. Quakes are common in Papua New Guinea, which sits on the Pacific’s “Ring of Fire”, a hotspot for seismic activity due to friction between tectonic plates.
Incredibly of the 34 major quakes to strike the planet this year 13 of them have happened on or around Papua New Guinea.
Today's two major quake is the 3rd of April and brought the total for the year to 34.
After a two-week transit around the far-side of the Sun a giant hole is reemerging over the sun's eastern limb set to bring spectacular auroras
Solar wind flowing from this recurrent coronal hole could hit Earth's magnetic field as early as April 8th. Credit: SDO/AIA.
Two weeks ago Earth was entering a stream of high-speed solar wind flowing from a wide gash in the sun's atmosphere causing auroras so bright that some observers are seeing them even before nightfall.
That coronal hole in our Sun which lashed Earth with high-speed solar wind in mid-March is turning to face our planet again.
After a two-week transit around the far-side of the Sun, the giant hole is reemerging over the sun's eastern limb.
Space Weather link? Scientists baffled after 49 dolphins wash up DEAD on beach in Argentina one week after 150 whales died in Australia
It is a theory The Big Wobble has been banding around for almost two years now, Solar storms may trigger whale strandings as well as dolphins, birds and bees and other animals who rely upon our magnetic field to navigate.
Last week 150 whales beached and died while migrating off Western Australia in one of the largest mass strandings of whales in WA.
Yesterday scientists were left baffled after 61 short-beaked dolphins were found washed ashore on a beach resort in Argentina.
What could go wrong? "UNCONTROLLED" China Space station that may carry 'TOXIC' substance likely to hit EUROPE in the coming days
A Chinese space station that Beijing reportedly lost control of is expected to hit the Earth on or around April 1.
The movement of this spacecraft into our atmosphere is an uncontrolled entry.
Nobody knows exactly where this craft will crash but parts of it will survive re-entry.
They also warned that the space station might be carrying a highly toxic and corrosive substance called hydrazine.
The bad thing about this situation is that the word "uncontrolled" is in it.
Tiangong-1, a satellite the size of a school bus that China launched in 2011, is not expected to survive reentry into the Earth's atmosphere but scientists have warned debris could hit a couple of areas.
135 dead whales beached while migrating off Western Australia as rescuers struggle to save a further 15: Is the stranding linked to a solar storm?
Credit @WAParksWildlife
Rescuers are racing against the clock to save 15 short-finned pilot whales after more than 150 of the migrating mammals beached on the country’s west coast, the other 135 whales have died.
Most of the whales had died, said Jeremy Chick, incident controller at Western Australia’s conservation department, after becoming stranded on dry land overnight.
It is important to mention at this point the stranding has occurred as our planet is about to move deeper into a solar stream where it will experience fast-moving rivulets of solar wind--perhaps faster than 600 km/s (1.3 million mph).
An enormous gash, of almost one million kilometres long has opened up on the Sun ejecting a broad stream of solar wind set to hit earth today
Solar wind flowing from this wide coronal hole should reach Earth on March 14-15. Credit: SDO/AIA
An enormous gash, of almost one million km long, has opened up in the sun's atmosphere and is facing earth.
This gigantic hole is spewing a broad stream of solar wind which will hit the earth's magnetosphere later today.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring the structure. According to, this "coronal hole" is a region where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind to escape.
Coronal holes appear, in various shapes and forms, several times each month.
This one is unusually wide, stretching more than 800,000 km across the face of the sun.
Wonderful Auroras as far south as Maine and Scotland tonight as the Earth is entering a possible G1-class geomagnetic storm
Credit NOAA
Our sun has been spotless for almost a week now but that doesn't mean it has gone to sleep.
Earth is entering a stream of solar wind today at speeds of over 600km per second from a northern coronal hole in the sun's atmosphere.
The stage is set for a possible G1-class geomagnetic storm.
According to, NOAA computer models show more than 60 gigawatts of power currently surging through our planet's auroral oval:
Sky watchers in Canada and Alaska should be alert for auroras as night sweeps across North America on March 9-10.
NOAA is predicting bright auroras as far south as Maine, The Great Lakes and Scotland and Denmark in Europe tonight, see the map on the right.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory monitoring a massive coronal hole more than 700,000 km from the sun's north pole to its equator: Minor G1-class solar storm expected tomorrow

It's the latest of a long, almost constant line of coronal holes which have opened up in our sun's atmosphere this year but none of them has been as big as this one.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring a structure, which stretches more than 700,000 km from the sun's north pole to its equator.
According to, this is a "coronal hole"--a region where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind to escape.
Gaseous material flowing from this hole is expected to reach our planet during the second half of March 8th, possibly sparking Arctic auroras on March 8th and 9th.
NOAA forecasters estimate a 45% chance of minor G1-class.
What could go wrong? "UNCONTROLLED" China Space station that may carry 'TOXIC' substance careening toward our planet
Tiangong-1 ("Heavenly Palace 1") will soon re-enter the Earth's atmosphere and fall to the surface of our planet.
The impact of this spacecraft was calculated to be anywhere between 42.8 degrees North and 42.8 degrees South in latitude.
The movement of this spacecraft into our atmosphere is an uncontrolled entry.
Nobody knows exactly where this craft will crash but parts of it will survive re-entry.
They also warned that the space station might be carrying a highly toxic and corrosive substance called hydrazine.
The bad thing about this situation is that the word "uncontrolled" is in it.
A magnitude 7.5 plus quake prediction today from Patrick Geryl earthquake researcher due to planetary alignment! Large Coronal Hole facing Earth too
This morning as a large coronal hole on the sun turns and faces Earth which is, I believe a trigger for major quakes, (23 major quakes have hit our planet this year and 22 of them have occurred during coronal activity on the Sun) I received an email from a researcher, scientist Patrick Geryl.
Patrick is claiming today has a high potential for a magnitude 7.5 plus earthquake due to planetary alignments.
In his paper which he wrote all the way back in January the 25th he claims: While analysing Mw 7.5 plus earthquakes, we found that they mostly happen on alignments with the
Several of them happened on heliocentric conjunctions, with planets or planetoids in crucial Line Ups.
G1-class geomagnetic storm underway as a fast-moving stream of solar wind bombards Earth's magnetosphere with winds approaching 1 million mph
According to, the solar wind is flowing from a canyon-shaped hole in the sun's atmosphere spewing a stream wide enough to engulf Earth for another 24+ hours. Arctic sky watchers should remain alert for auroras.
Three days ago the enormous canyon-like hole (coronal hole) opened up in the Sun's atmosphere, since then three major quakes have struck Papua New Guinea and another rocking Indonesia, all four quakes where along the volatile Ring of Fire.
So far this year 22 major earthquakes have been recorded on our planet, 21 of them have occurred during coronal activity on the Sun and 18 of them has been around the very volatile Pacific Ring Of Fire.
Canyon-like hole opens up in the Sun's atmosphere ejecting high-speed solar wind: 17 of 18 major quakes hit this year during coronal hole activity
An enormous canyon-like hole has opened up in the Sun's atmosphere which is ejecting a high-speed stream of solar wind travelling at mind-boggling speeds of around 700 to 800 km's per second, or more than one million miles per hour which should reach Earth's magnetosphere on Monday the 26th of Feb.
NOAA has forecasted a 65% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms with bright auroras when the fast speeding solar wind arrives.
We can expect major quakes in the coming couple of days after the recent calm, the last major quake was the mag 7.2 which hit Mexico on the 17th of Feb.
It's worth mentioning that of the 18 major quakes to hit our planet this year, 17 of them have occurred during coronal activity on the Sun and 14 of them has been around the very volatile Pacific Ring Of Fire so stay tuned!
Geomagnetic storms from sunspot AR2699 CME and a stream of solar wind from massive coronal hole to hit Earth's magnetic field today
Solar wind flowing from this wide coronal hole is expected to reach Earth on Feb. 15th-16th, adding its effect to that of an incoming CME due to arrive around the same time. Credit: SDO/AIA
Three days ago sunspot AR2699 exploded, the explosion lasted for more than six hours and produced a C1-class solar flare and hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth, see the film below.
According to, the CME is expected to reach Earth today.
NOAA forecasters say there is a 60% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms with isolated periods of stronger G2 storming.
Another massive coronal hole emerging over the sun's eastern limb could be a significant threat to a very active Pacific Ring Of Fire
Another massive coronal hole is emerging over the sun's eastern limb.
Solar wind flowing from the gap is expected to reach Earth on Feb. 15-16, according to
With 15 major quakes from 16 occurring this year during coronal hole activity on our Sun and 13 of them along The Pacific Ring Of Fire and a similar amount of rumbling volcanoes, the coming days will most probably bring some fireworks, I would wager a major quake or two is a certainty.
Threatening sunspot AR2699 which doubled its size to more than 100,000 km across yesterday and is directly facing Earth this weekend has stalled during the past 24 hours, prompting NOAA forecasters to downgrade the chance of a strong M-class solar flare to only 15%
Our Sun awakes: Another monster brewing on our Sun! Sunspot AR2699 doubles its size to more than 100,000 km across: X-Class flare potential?
GROWING SUNSPOT: Sunspot AR2699 continues to grow, more than doubling in size since it appeared on Feb. 4th and is now stretching more than 100,000 km across the surface of the sun.
According to, the sunspot has developed an unstable "beta-gamma" magnetic field that harbours energy for an M-class solar flares NOAA forecasters estimate a 15% chance of such explosions on Feb. 9th.
With two primary dark cores larger than Earth and a scattering of moon-sized magnetic condensations stretching more than 100,000 km across the surface of the sun, AR2699 is an easy target for backyard solar telescopes.
Slumbering Sun awakes? Sunspot (AR2699) moves into view crackling B and C-class flares: 50% of 2018 sunspot free as our Sun enters Solar Minimum
Our Sun maybe waking from a deep slumber, for a while at least, so far in 2018, our Sun has recorded 18 days (50%) which have been sunspot free and the ones that made a show were small and posed no threat for strong solar flare.
A new sunspot (AR2699) is rotating into view over the sun's eastern limb and it has announced itself with a flurry of B- and C-class solar flares.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught one of the explosions coinciding with the liftoff of a giant magnetic filament at 19:58 UT on Feb. 4th.
According to, these flares are relatively weak and would probably escape notice during a more active phase of the solar cycle.
Peruvians left terrified after three mysterious objects engulfed in flames fall from the sky: Meteor cancelled out
Peruvians were left terrified after villagers found three mysterious objects that fell from the sky engulfed in flames.
Residents in the Larancahuani community, in the Andean region of Puno, Peru, feared a meteorite impact after the spheres crashed to the ground on January 27, however, no meteors had been predicted to fall in that area.
A mag 6.0 - 40km S of Binuangeun, Indonesia is the sixth major quake of 2018 and each one has occurred as a coronal hole faced Earth
A mag 6.0 - 40km S of Binuangeun, Indonesia, not too far from Indonesia's active and erratic Mount Agung volcano on the island of Bali is the sixth major quake of January and 2018 of course.
The epicentre of the quake was less than 100km's from Indonesia's capital Jakarta, there is no tsunami warning for the shallow quake.
Today's major quake comes at the back end of a coronal hole on our Sun
It's the second meteor to be filmed above North America in 24 hours! Fire ball lights up Alberta sky after magnitude 2.0 earthquake caused by a meteor in Michigan on Tuesday
It's the second one to be filmed above North America in 24 hours...
Dozens of Albertans took to social media Wednesday evening to report seeing a large fireball in the sky over northern parts of the province.
Corbet Kratko was driving near the intersection of Highway 21 and Westpark Boulevard in Fort Saskatchewan when he said he saw the bright light descending through the sky.
Another coronal hole on the Sun ejecting solar wind at 1.3 million mph could cause an active volcano to blow causing a year without summer
With the onset of thousands of people evacuated from volcanoes rumbling back to life recently, we should be looking towards our Sun as to why volcanic activity has been so prevalent in the last six months.
Although NASA has announced our Sun has reached it's Solar Minimum, the lowest sunspot activity in the Sun's 11-year cycle our Star is far from quiet and is producing massive coronal holes more than ever before.
The USGS claim explosion caused by a meteorite exploded with enough force to register as a magnitude-2.0 earthquake over New Haven Michigan last night!
The US Geological Survey confirmed that a meteorite had exploded in the sky near New Haven, Michigan, about 40 miles northeast of Detroit, on Tuesday night.
The USGS said the explosion caused enough force to register as a magnitude-2.0 earthquake.
Video posted on social media Tuesday night shows drivers witnessing a flying rock that emitted a bright light in the night sky before disintegrating.
A new Coronal Hole opens up on the sun's atmosphere gaseous material is emerging from this hole faster than 500 km/s (1.1 million mph)
As the first major quake of 2018 struck this morning it should come as no surprise a new coronal hole faces Earth, see above.
After a quiet period, this morning's event was the first major quake in almost a month.
Solar wind flowing from this coronal hole will reach Earth and cause polar geomagnetic activity on Jan. 13th.
Until then we could be in for more major quakes.
The coronal hole, shown in the picture above is a region in the sun's atmosphere where the magnetic field peels back and allows solar wind to escape.
NOAA predicting possible chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on the first day of 2018 from coronal hole on our Sun
NOAA forecasters say there is a 50% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on Jan. 1, 2018, when a stream of solar wind expelled from a coronal hole on the Sun's atmosphere engulfs Earth's magnetic field.
The solar-wind can reach speeds of 800 kilometres per second as they smash into the Earth's magnetosphere.
G1-class geomagnetic storms can cause power-grid fluctuations here on Earth and can damage satellite operations in Space.
A stream of solar wind from a sprawling coronal hole on the Sun arrives promising auroras throughout the holiday with brain disorders for others
Earth is inside a stream of solar wind flowing from the indicated coronal hole, see above. A sprawling coronal hole on the face of our Sun is ejecting a high-speed stream of solar wind which is battering our magnetosphere which should reach speeds of 600km per second later in the day and this is causing magnetic unrest and auroras around the Arctic Circle.
As our planet enters a geomagnetic storm more evidence they are linked to seizures migraines and confusion for animals who rely upon magnetic field to navigate
According to Earth has entered a fast-moving stream of solar wind, and this is causing minor G1-class geomagnetic storms around the poles.
The solar wind is flowing from a coronal hole in the sun's atmosphere.
Earth should be inside the stream for 24 to 36 hours.
Solar storms causing seizures and migraines in people and dogs, behaviour problems in children and enhanced medical problems for people in Alaska
I frequently receive emails from a wonderfully brave man from Alaska, his name is Bill Laughing-Bear who suffers from Traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Because of his injury, Bill can't use a computer because the screen causes him seizures or terrible migraines so his mother Tina types his work and thoughts for him.
New report! Space Weather linked to North Sea whale strandings: Old news of course on The Big Wobble
It is a theory The Big Wobble has been banding around for almost a year now, Solar storms may trigger whale strandings as well as dolphins, birds and bees and other animals who rely upon our magnetic field to navigate.
Tropical storm Adrian and tropical cyclone Donna along with a massive Coronal hole on the Sun influence two major quakes within days of each other
A shallow magnitude 6.2 - 79km SSW of Acajutla, El Salvador is the 7th major quake of May and the 31st of a record breaking low count so far in 2017.
Interesting to note the quake occured almost exactly in the same area where tropical storm Adrian formed 24 hours earlier.
Massive quake: Volcano activity increasing around the world and massive black-outs in the US: Coincidence or influenced by enormous Coronal Hole facing Earth?
In the past couple of days, since the solar wind escaping from the Coronal hole began battering the Earths magnetosphere, 100,000 people suffered blackouts in San Francisco, a massive 7.1 quake reduced to a mag 6.9 by USGS and increased volcano activity around the world with the volcano above in Papua New Guinea and Costa Rica's Turrialba volcano and Poas volcano and Nishinoshima island in Japan just a few examples did
Solar flare spewing from mega hole in the Sun cause blackout mayhem in San Francisco as almost 100,000 people suffer
Coronal hole = Major Quakes! Only 3 major quakes all month: Now 2 in 1 hour as 2 large holes on the Sun faces Earth!

We have had only three major quakes all month up till this evening, then as two massive Coronal holes line up to face Earth spewing a solar wind stream which was expected to reach Earth today we have had two major quakes in one hour not to mention the three active volcanoes yesterday.
Another large dolphin pod beached themselves last week while a massive coronal hole on the Sun faced the Earth
Signs and wonders, Joel 2:31: “The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes” (English Standard Version).
If you are a Christian then Armageddon is closer than it's ever been before and a Blood Moon is a phenomenon mentioned many times in the Bible as an apocalyptic omen.
But just what makes the upcoming January 21 total eclipse of the Moon ("BLOOD MOON") so special?
According to Pastor Paul Begley, what is significant about this Blood Moon is the incredible "coincidence" it’s on the second anniversary of Trump being sworn in as President.
Today marks the 208th day in 2018 that the sun has been without spots: But 2018 is set to be the 4th warmest since records began: Warming or cooling?
The current solar cycle, 24 is declining more quickly than forecast.
According to Dr.Tony Phillips of, the solar cycle is at low ebb.
Today marks the 208th day in 2018 that the sun has been without spots, that's 59% of the year, doubling the number of spotless days in 2017.
The count won't be able to double again in 2019; there aren't enough days in the year!
However, we can expect a further deepening of Solar Minimum in the year ahead with, literally, hundreds of spotless days to come.
A double whale stranding in New Zealand's South Island kills almost 150 pilot whales coinciding with massive coronal activity on our sun
A total of 145 pilot whales have died after becoming stranded in a remote part of New Zealand.
A hiker found the 145 whales in two pods just over a mile apart on Stewart Island, a small island to the south of the country's South Island.
They had been half-buried in the sand and around half of them were already dead.
The rest were in very bad health and were euthanized, due to the lack of potential rescuers and the difficulty they would have faced in reaching the location.
The whales had been 22 miles from Oban, the main town on Stewart Island, which only has around 400 people.
As a Siberian city endures temperatures of -50 C, (-58 deg F) NASA claim whole global temperature about to plummet in a matter of months
As California burns and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere prepare for winter after a record-breaking warm summer spare a thought for residents of Krasnoyarsk Siberia who are already enduring temperatures of -50 C, (-58 deg F)
And according to NASA spokesman, temperatures for the whole globe could be about to plummet as our sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age.
Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018 and Earth’s upper atmosphere is responding, says Dr Phillips, editor of
Solar storm hitting Earth from massive Coronal Hole almost 1 million km long on our Sun coincides with 4 major quakes last night
On October the 6th The Big Wobble posted a major quake warning from an enormous Coronal Hole on our Sun, it stretched more than 900,000 km from the sun's north polar crown across the equator into the sun's southern hemisphere, it was a giant and the solar wind being ejected from this monster was heading toward Earth at one million mph and was expected to hit the Earth's magnetosphere head on yesterday, see the graph below. Full story here
Last night the solar wind arrived causing a geomatic storm which coincided with 4 major quakes, including a mag 6.0 earthquake in the Bali Sea just 600 hundred km from the mag 7.5 quake which devastated Palu in Indonesia.
Coronal holes are common this one is unusually large (It's one million km long) NOAA upgrade geomagnetic storm alert set to hit tomorrow
It stretches more than 900,000 km from the sun's north polar crown across the equator into the sun's southern hemisphere, it is a giant and the solar wind being ejected from this monster is heading toward Earth at one million mph and will hit the Earth's magnetosphere head on.
NOAA has upgraded their watch for geomagnetic storms on Oct. 7-8 from G1 (minor) to G2 (moderate to strong).
According to, Arctic auroras are almost certain to appear when the gaseous material arrives, and the light show could descend to northern-tier US States such as Maine, Michigan, and Washington.
Coronal holes are common, but this one is unusually large.
Heads up! A massive Coronal Hole on our Sun is now facing Earth watch out for more major quake and volcanic activity around Indonesia
Credit SDO
An enormous and ominous coronal hole on our Sun has turned and is now facing Earth along with a smaller hole also facing Earth and both are releasing a ferocious barrage of solar wind heading for our planet at incredible speeds. Solar wind flowing from this large coronal hole should reach Earth on Oct. 7-8. The intense solar wind from the smaller hole on the right is impacting Earth's magnetosphere right now, lasting until tomorrow. Each hole is spewing a stream of solar wind toward our planet at around 1 million mph.
Sunspot Solar Observatory close down coincides when a "billion-ton "MEGA" CME slammed into Earth's magnetic field 159 years earlier
Something is amiss in the state of New Mexico, and the chain of mysterious events has all the hallmarks of a sci-fi plot.
The state's Sunspot Solar Observatory, home to one of the largest active solar telescopes in the world, was shut down last Friday and all personnel evacuated.The FBI was on the scene almost immediately.
Employees and the public have been indefinitely banned from the premises, and the observatory's website now reads: "TEMPORARILY CLOSED".
Federal officials aren't saying why it was closed, and the silence has led to international media coverage and plenty of speculation.
But authorities remaining tight-lipped.
So just what did happen in space in the days after the Sunspot Solar Observatory was closed down? Are we any wiser as to why it was closed
On the 6th of September according to, a fast-moving stream of solar wind was approaching Earth but was still at least a day away.
The gaseous material was flowing from a hole in the sun's atmosphere known as a coronal hole.
Apart from the coronal hole, the sun was blank--no sunspots.
On Sep. 6, 2018, NASA reported 19 fireballs.
Many experts are now claiming coronal activity on our sun can influence major quake activity here on Earth, on the 6th of Sep a massive mag 7.8 rocked Fiji after a mag 6.7 struck Japan the day before.
"TEMPORARILY CLOSED" What have they found? The FBI mysteriously close down the Sunspot Solar Observatory in New Mexico
Something is amiss in the state of New Mexico, and the chain of mysterious events has all the hallmarks of a sci-fi plot.
The state's Sunspot Solar Observatory, home to one of the largest active solar telescopes in the world, was shut down last Friday and all personnel evacuated.
The FBI was on the scene almost immediately.
Employees and the public have been indefinitely banned from the premises, and the observatory's website now reads: "TEMPORARILY CLOSED".
No one seems to know what is going on - not even the local sheriff, who sent his deputies onto the scene only to find absolutely no specific threat.
7 major quakes in 5 days rock the Pacific Ring Of Fire: All 7 have occurred during coronal activity and G1-class geomagnetic storms
Earth is currently inside a stream of solar wind flowing from a massive coronal hole on our Sun which is facing Earth, see dark areas on the image below.
This is the 2nd G1-class geomagnetic storm to impact Earth in the last few days after another coronal hole caused a G1-class geomagnetic storm on Sept the 7th and 8th.
The coronal activity on the Sun and the two geomagnetic storms have coincided with a flurry of seven major quakes to impact the Pacific Ring Of Fire, coincidence?
Right now, G1-class geomagnetic storms are sparking bright auroras around the Arctic Circle as a stream of high-speed solar wind buffets Earth's magnetic field.
Originally, NOAA forecasters thought the stream might cause a G2-class geomagnetic storm, but now it appears set to peak as a weaker G1-class disturbance.
A mystery ball of light zoomed over parts of Western Australia exploding and baffling witnesse: Suspected meteor
Photo The Perth Observatory
A mystery ball of light zoomed over parts of Australia before exploding and baffling witnesses who shared their disbelief on social media.
A huge bang was reportedly heard by residents in Western Australia after a giant, mysterious ball of light beamed across the night sky.
Social media went nuts with reports from baffled Aussies who said the "flaming object" ominously lit up the sky at about 7.40pm local time last night.
Some said the object appeared to explode and "continuing off into the clouds".
Several residents reported hearing a "huge bang" which took place about the time there was a "flash in the sky".
Dashcams and security systems captured the spectacle and many took to social media to describe what they saw.
The enormous 700,000 km-long coronal hole on the Sun is responsible for major quake and volcano activity uptick
Photo Credit SDO
As Earth is battered by a stream of solar wind flowing from an enormous 700,000 km-long coronal hole it comes as no surprise to me we have had a flurry of major quakes this week after the lowest count so far this century.
Since this massive hole opened up on the Sun around the 10th of August 4 major quakes have been registered across the planet three more than the entire month of June.
Last nights mag 6.6 Earthquake - the Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska was the 4th major quake in the last 4 days.
On top of the major quakes, we have also had an uptick with volcanic activity with nearly two dozen quakes striking the gigantic Katla volcano in Iceland and Japanese authorities are preparing to evacuate Kuchinoerabujima island after the threat of an eruption as earthquakes and sulphur emissions have suddenly increased dramatically.
Sun is split in two: A massive coronal hole has opened up on our Sun and is shooting solar wind directly towards Earth
A massive long coronal hole has opened up on our Sun and is shooting solar wind directly towards Earth at incredible speeds expected to reach 700 km/second.
According to NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the fissure on Aug. 13th pointing directly at Earth: This is a "coronal hole"--a region where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows a gaseous material to escape.
Solar wind emerging from the hole is expected to reach Earth on Aug. 16th and 17th.
The incoming stream of solar wind may be preceded by a CIR (co-rotating interaction region).
CIRs are transition zones between slow- and fast-moving solar wind.
Signs and wonders: Live Bible prophecy tonight as the longest "total lunar eclipse" in a hundred years will turn the moon to blood
Signs and wonders, Joel 2:31: “The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes” (English Standard Version).
Many people are in for a rare treat tonight as the Moon and Mars are converging for a midnight conjunction in the constellation Capricornus.
This is no ordinary meeting of heavenly bodies, according to, Mars is making a 15-year close approach to Earth, giving the Red Planet a luminosity that pierces the glare of the full Moon with ease during the longest "total lunar eclipse" in a hundred years
A humanoid EBE contacted my friend Ilona telling her of a crop-circle to be seen in the Czech Republic a whole month before it happened (Video)
Image of the actual crop-circle in a field in Bohdankov, Liberec, The Czech Republic. Reported 7th July Renata Králová Copyright 2018 link to crop-circle connector below
A dear friend of mine Ilona Podhrazska who is an author and ufologist from the Czech Republic sent me a private message on Facebook on the 24th of June telling me she had been informed by her alien contact EBE to watch out for a crop circle in the Czech Republic in July.
Now before all you sceptics start calling me a nut-job, Ilona has been in contact with a humanoid EBE since the 1990's and is very famous in the ufo world and the Czech Republic and has appeared on many television shows and written a book on her exploits with the humanoid EBE
A fireball with a punch of about 3 kilotons slams into the atmosphere over Russia at 32,200 miles per hour (51,800 kilometres per hour)
More than five years after a large space rock slammed into the atmosphere over Russia, shattering thousands of windows in the city of Chelyabinsk below, another meteor exploded in the sky over the country last week, lighting up the early morning sky.
The fireball was captured on camera near the town of Lipetsk, between Moscow and the Ukrainian border.
It glows brightly for a second, leaving a trail of smoke that lingers for several minutes afterwards. The impact of the meteor on Earth's atmosphere was picked up by US government sensors used to detect nuclear explosions, among other things.
Major quake drought should be over (31 DAYS WITHOUT ONE) as a massive coronal hole opens up on our sun
Photo credit SDO
A massive coronal hole has opened up on our Sun and is ejecting solar wind which will buffet Earth's magnetic field around the 19th of June.
42 of the 43 major quakes this year have occurred during coronal activity on the sun this year.
We have had a major quake (mag 6 +) drought here on Earth, 31 DAYS WITHOUT ONE, which must be some kind of a recent record but I'm expecting major quakes in the coming days as the solar wind from the coronal hole blasts Earth's magnetic field at speeds of around 800km/second.
The last major quake to strike our planet was way back on the 18th of May when a Mag 6.2 - hit the Kermadec Islands north of New Zealand.
Major quake alert: Massive coronal hole on the surface of the Sun faces Earth: NOAA forecasters say a 60% chance of G1-class storm
Photo Credit SDO
If you thought major quakes have fallen off a cliff edge recently well you would be correct.
We have to go back 22 days since the last major quake struck our planet, a magnitude 6.2 in Tajikistan.
This, however, could be about to change in the coming days as a massive coronal hole on the surface of the sun has turned to face our planet.
We should expect major quake activity.
According to, NOAA forecasters say there is a 60% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on June 1st when a solar wind stream is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field.
Massive Coronal Hole stretching almost across the face of the Sun delivers a G2 magnetic storm and wakes up The Pacific Ring Of Fire
24 days ago another major quake hit Papua New Guinea incredibly it was the 13th of this year to hit the volatile country in the South Pacific.
That major quake was the 25th major quake of a very busy year along the Pacific Ring Of Fire, however, since then the major quake count has dropped off the cliff, not just around the Pacific Ring Of Fire but the whole planet, volcano activity also stopped around the same time.
Since then a mag 6.2 - 54km SW of Ovalle, Chile was the 35th and last major quake of 2018 to hit our planet almost a month ago, until yesterday.
A mag 6.1 at Luzon the Philippines and of course the mag 6.9 on the South Island Hawaii woke up the Pacific Ring Of Fire with a bang.
Our Sun awakes from slumber! Sunspot AR2706 twice as wide as Earth and a new northern coronal hole turn to face Earth
Credit NOAA above a graph showing the 11-year cycle of sunspot activity on our sun as we enter the Solar minimum period.
Solar minimum is approaching and as a result, 2018 has been 60% sunspot free with 67 days without a sunspot on the sun.
2017 had a total of 104 days (28%), 2016 a total of 32 days (9%) and 2015 a total of 0 days (0%).
According to solar minimum is approaching and, as a result, sunspot numbers are crashing toward zero.
Nevertheless, there is a relatively large spot on the sun today. AR2706 has a primary core almost twice as wide as Earth, making it an easy target for backyard solar telescopes.
So far AR2706 has produced no flares--a lassitude typical of solar minimum sunspots.
Dozens of whales washed up on a beach in New Zealand once again during coronal activity on our Sun
Dozens of whales washed up on a beach in New Zealand in bizarre circumstances.
Pictures from the beach in Haast, in the South Westland region show 38 whales' remains strewn across the landscape.
Among the total number of whales, there were 12 found alive, but they had to be euthanised by conservationists.
The whales became stranded after swimming too close to the shore at the mouth of the Okuru river. While it's clear how they washed up, the reason as to why they swam so close to the shore remains a mystery.
New Zealand Department of Conservation manager Wayne Costello said conditions were too dangerous to rescue those found alive.
Another major quake hits Papua New Guinea (13 this year) as a canyon-shaped hole stretching nearly 1 million km faces Earth on our Sun
Another powerful magnitude 6.5 quake, reduced to a 6.3 by USGS has struck the remote highlands of Papua New Guinea early on Saturday, the European earthquake monitoring service reported.
The very shallow quake was only two km (1.2 miles) deep and 93 km (58 miles) southwest of Porgera in the Enga province, said the EMSC. Quakes are common in Papua New Guinea, which sits on the Pacific’s “Ring of Fire”, a hotspot for seismic activity due to friction between tectonic plates.
Incredibly of the 34 major quakes to strike the planet this year 13 of them have happened on or around Papua New Guinea.
Today's two major quake is the 3rd of April and brought the total for the year to 34.
After a two-week transit around the far-side of the Sun a giant hole is reemerging over the sun's eastern limb set to bring spectacular auroras
Solar wind flowing from this recurrent coronal hole could hit Earth's magnetic field as early as April 8th. Credit: SDO/AIA.
Two weeks ago Earth was entering a stream of high-speed solar wind flowing from a wide gash in the sun's atmosphere causing auroras so bright that some observers are seeing them even before nightfall.
That coronal hole in our Sun which lashed Earth with high-speed solar wind in mid-March is turning to face our planet again.
After a two-week transit around the far-side of the Sun, the giant hole is reemerging over the sun's eastern limb.
Space Weather link? Scientists baffled after 49 dolphins wash up DEAD on beach in Argentina one week after 150 whales died in Australia
It is a theory The Big Wobble has been banding around for almost two years now, Solar storms may trigger whale strandings as well as dolphins, birds and bees and other animals who rely upon our magnetic field to navigate.
Last week 150 whales beached and died while migrating off Western Australia in one of the largest mass strandings of whales in WA.
Yesterday scientists were left baffled after 61 short-beaked dolphins were found washed ashore on a beach resort in Argentina.
What could go wrong? "UNCONTROLLED" China Space station that may carry 'TOXIC' substance likely to hit EUROPE in the coming days
A Chinese space station that Beijing reportedly lost control of is expected to hit the Earth on or around April 1.
The movement of this spacecraft into our atmosphere is an uncontrolled entry.
Nobody knows exactly where this craft will crash but parts of it will survive re-entry.
They also warned that the space station might be carrying a highly toxic and corrosive substance called hydrazine.
The bad thing about this situation is that the word "uncontrolled" is in it.
Tiangong-1, a satellite the size of a school bus that China launched in 2011, is not expected to survive reentry into the Earth's atmosphere but scientists have warned debris could hit a couple of areas.
135 dead whales beached while migrating off Western Australia as rescuers struggle to save a further 15: Is the stranding linked to a solar storm?
Credit @WAParksWildlife
Rescuers are racing against the clock to save 15 short-finned pilot whales after more than 150 of the migrating mammals beached on the country’s west coast, the other 135 whales have died.
Most of the whales had died, said Jeremy Chick, incident controller at Western Australia’s conservation department, after becoming stranded on dry land overnight.
It is important to mention at this point the stranding has occurred as our planet is about to move deeper into a solar stream where it will experience fast-moving rivulets of solar wind--perhaps faster than 600 km/s (1.3 million mph).
An enormous gash, of almost one million kilometres long has opened up on the Sun ejecting a broad stream of solar wind set to hit earth today
Solar wind flowing from this wide coronal hole should reach Earth on March 14-15. Credit: SDO/AIA
An enormous gash, of almost one million km long, has opened up in the sun's atmosphere and is facing earth.
This gigantic hole is spewing a broad stream of solar wind which will hit the earth's magnetosphere later today.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring the structure. According to, this "coronal hole" is a region where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind to escape.
Coronal holes appear, in various shapes and forms, several times each month.
This one is unusually wide, stretching more than 800,000 km across the face of the sun.
Wonderful Auroras as far south as Maine and Scotland tonight as the Earth is entering a possible G1-class geomagnetic storm
Credit NOAA
Our sun has been spotless for almost a week now but that doesn't mean it has gone to sleep.
Earth is entering a stream of solar wind today at speeds of over 600km per second from a northern coronal hole in the sun's atmosphere.
The stage is set for a possible G1-class geomagnetic storm.
According to, NOAA computer models show more than 60 gigawatts of power currently surging through our planet's auroral oval:
Sky watchers in Canada and Alaska should be alert for auroras as night sweeps across North America on March 9-10.
NOAA is predicting bright auroras as far south as Maine, The Great Lakes and Scotland and Denmark in Europe tonight, see the map on the right.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory monitoring a massive coronal hole more than 700,000 km from the sun's north pole to its equator: Minor G1-class solar storm expected tomorrow

It's the latest of a long, almost constant line of coronal holes which have opened up in our sun's atmosphere this year but none of them has been as big as this one.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring a structure, which stretches more than 700,000 km from the sun's north pole to its equator.
According to, this is a "coronal hole"--a region where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind to escape.
Gaseous material flowing from this hole is expected to reach our planet during the second half of March 8th, possibly sparking Arctic auroras on March 8th and 9th.
NOAA forecasters estimate a 45% chance of minor G1-class.
What could go wrong? "UNCONTROLLED" China Space station that may carry 'TOXIC' substance careening toward our planet
Tiangong-1 ("Heavenly Palace 1") will soon re-enter the Earth's atmosphere and fall to the surface of our planet.
The impact of this spacecraft was calculated to be anywhere between 42.8 degrees North and 42.8 degrees South in latitude.
The movement of this spacecraft into our atmosphere is an uncontrolled entry.
Nobody knows exactly where this craft will crash but parts of it will survive re-entry.
They also warned that the space station might be carrying a highly toxic and corrosive substance called hydrazine.
The bad thing about this situation is that the word "uncontrolled" is in it.
A magnitude 7.5 plus quake prediction today from Patrick Geryl earthquake researcher due to planetary alignment! Large Coronal Hole facing Earth too
This morning as a large coronal hole on the sun turns and faces Earth which is, I believe a trigger for major quakes, (23 major quakes have hit our planet this year and 22 of them have occurred during coronal activity on the Sun) I received an email from a researcher, scientist Patrick Geryl.
Patrick is claiming today has a high potential for a magnitude 7.5 plus earthquake due to planetary alignments.
In his paper which he wrote all the way back in January the 25th he claims: While analysing Mw 7.5 plus earthquakes, we found that they mostly happen on alignments with the
Several of them happened on heliocentric conjunctions, with planets or planetoids in crucial Line Ups.
G1-class geomagnetic storm underway as a fast-moving stream of solar wind bombards Earth's magnetosphere with winds approaching 1 million mph
According to, the solar wind is flowing from a canyon-shaped hole in the sun's atmosphere spewing a stream wide enough to engulf Earth for another 24+ hours. Arctic sky watchers should remain alert for auroras.
Three days ago the enormous canyon-like hole (coronal hole) opened up in the Sun's atmosphere, since then three major quakes have struck Papua New Guinea and another rocking Indonesia, all four quakes where along the volatile Ring of Fire.
So far this year 22 major earthquakes have been recorded on our planet, 21 of them have occurred during coronal activity on the Sun and 18 of them has been around the very volatile Pacific Ring Of Fire.
Canyon-like hole opens up in the Sun's atmosphere ejecting high-speed solar wind: 17 of 18 major quakes hit this year during coronal hole activity
An enormous canyon-like hole has opened up in the Sun's atmosphere which is ejecting a high-speed stream of solar wind travelling at mind-boggling speeds of around 700 to 800 km's per second, or more than one million miles per hour which should reach Earth's magnetosphere on Monday the 26th of Feb.
NOAA has forecasted a 65% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms with bright auroras when the fast speeding solar wind arrives.
We can expect major quakes in the coming couple of days after the recent calm, the last major quake was the mag 7.2 which hit Mexico on the 17th of Feb.
It's worth mentioning that of the 18 major quakes to hit our planet this year, 17 of them have occurred during coronal activity on the Sun and 14 of them has been around the very volatile Pacific Ring Of Fire so stay tuned!
Geomagnetic storms from sunspot AR2699 CME and a stream of solar wind from massive coronal hole to hit Earth's magnetic field today
Solar wind flowing from this wide coronal hole is expected to reach Earth on Feb. 15th-16th, adding its effect to that of an incoming CME due to arrive around the same time. Credit: SDO/AIA
Three days ago sunspot AR2699 exploded, the explosion lasted for more than six hours and produced a C1-class solar flare and hurled a coronal mass ejection (CME) almost directly toward Earth, see the film below.
According to, the CME is expected to reach Earth today.
NOAA forecasters say there is a 60% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms with isolated periods of stronger G2 storming.
Another massive coronal hole emerging over the sun's eastern limb could be a significant threat to a very active Pacific Ring Of Fire
Another massive coronal hole is emerging over the sun's eastern limb.
Solar wind flowing from the gap is expected to reach Earth on Feb. 15-16, according to
With 15 major quakes from 16 occurring this year during coronal hole activity on our Sun and 13 of them along The Pacific Ring Of Fire and a similar amount of rumbling volcanoes, the coming days will most probably bring some fireworks, I would wager a major quake or two is a certainty.
Threatening sunspot AR2699 which doubled its size to more than 100,000 km across yesterday and is directly facing Earth this weekend has stalled during the past 24 hours, prompting NOAA forecasters to downgrade the chance of a strong M-class solar flare to only 15%
Our Sun awakes: Another monster brewing on our Sun! Sunspot AR2699 doubles its size to more than 100,000 km across: X-Class flare potential?
GROWING SUNSPOT: Sunspot AR2699 continues to grow, more than doubling in size since it appeared on Feb. 4th and is now stretching more than 100,000 km across the surface of the sun.
According to, the sunspot has developed an unstable "beta-gamma" magnetic field that harbours energy for an M-class solar flares NOAA forecasters estimate a 15% chance of such explosions on Feb. 9th.
With two primary dark cores larger than Earth and a scattering of moon-sized magnetic condensations stretching more than 100,000 km across the surface of the sun, AR2699 is an easy target for backyard solar telescopes.
Slumbering Sun awakes? Sunspot (AR2699) moves into view crackling B and C-class flares: 50% of 2018 sunspot free as our Sun enters Solar Minimum
Our Sun maybe waking from a deep slumber, for a while at least, so far in 2018, our Sun has recorded 18 days (50%) which have been sunspot free and the ones that made a show were small and posed no threat for strong solar flare.
A new sunspot (AR2699) is rotating into view over the sun's eastern limb and it has announced itself with a flurry of B- and C-class solar flares.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught one of the explosions coinciding with the liftoff of a giant magnetic filament at 19:58 UT on Feb. 4th.
According to, these flares are relatively weak and would probably escape notice during a more active phase of the solar cycle.
Peruvians left terrified after three mysterious objects engulfed in flames fall from the sky: Meteor cancelled out
Peruvians were left terrified after villagers found three mysterious objects that fell from the sky engulfed in flames.
Residents in the Larancahuani community, in the Andean region of Puno, Peru, feared a meteorite impact after the spheres crashed to the ground on January 27, however, no meteors had been predicted to fall in that area.
A mag 6.0 - 40km S of Binuangeun, Indonesia is the sixth major quake of 2018 and each one has occurred as a coronal hole faced Earth
A mag 6.0 - 40km S of Binuangeun, Indonesia, not too far from Indonesia's active and erratic Mount Agung volcano on the island of Bali is the sixth major quake of January and 2018 of course.
The epicentre of the quake was less than 100km's from Indonesia's capital Jakarta, there is no tsunami warning for the shallow quake.
Today's major quake comes at the back end of a coronal hole on our Sun
It's the second meteor to be filmed above North America in 24 hours! Fire ball lights up Alberta sky after magnitude 2.0 earthquake caused by a meteor in Michigan on Tuesday
It's the second one to be filmed above North America in 24 hours...
Dozens of Albertans took to social media Wednesday evening to report seeing a large fireball in the sky over northern parts of the province.
Corbet Kratko was driving near the intersection of Highway 21 and Westpark Boulevard in Fort Saskatchewan when he said he saw the bright light descending through the sky.
Another coronal hole on the Sun ejecting solar wind at 1.3 million mph could cause an active volcano to blow causing a year without summer
With the onset of thousands of people evacuated from volcanoes rumbling back to life recently, we should be looking towards our Sun as to why volcanic activity has been so prevalent in the last six months.
Although NASA has announced our Sun has reached it's Solar Minimum, the lowest sunspot activity in the Sun's 11-year cycle our Star is far from quiet and is producing massive coronal holes more than ever before.
The USGS claim explosion caused by a meteorite exploded with enough force to register as a magnitude-2.0 earthquake over New Haven Michigan last night!
The US Geological Survey confirmed that a meteorite had exploded in the sky near New Haven, Michigan, about 40 miles northeast of Detroit, on Tuesday night.
The USGS said the explosion caused enough force to register as a magnitude-2.0 earthquake.
Video posted on social media Tuesday night shows drivers witnessing a flying rock that emitted a bright light in the night sky before disintegrating.
A new Coronal Hole opens up on the sun's atmosphere gaseous material is emerging from this hole faster than 500 km/s (1.1 million mph)
As the first major quake of 2018 struck this morning it should come as no surprise a new coronal hole faces Earth, see above.
After a quiet period, this morning's event was the first major quake in almost a month.
Solar wind flowing from this coronal hole will reach Earth and cause polar geomagnetic activity on Jan. 13th.
Until then we could be in for more major quakes.
The coronal hole, shown in the picture above is a region in the sun's atmosphere where the magnetic field peels back and allows solar wind to escape.
NOAA predicting possible chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on the first day of 2018 from coronal hole on our Sun
NOAA forecasters say there is a 50% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on Jan. 1, 2018, when a stream of solar wind expelled from a coronal hole on the Sun's atmosphere engulfs Earth's magnetic field.
The solar-wind can reach speeds of 800 kilometres per second as they smash into the Earth's magnetosphere.
G1-class geomagnetic storms can cause power-grid fluctuations here on Earth and can damage satellite operations in Space.
A stream of solar wind from a sprawling coronal hole on the Sun arrives promising auroras throughout the holiday with brain disorders for others
Earth is inside a stream of solar wind flowing from the indicated coronal hole, see above. A sprawling coronal hole on the face of our Sun is ejecting a high-speed stream of solar wind which is battering our magnetosphere which should reach speeds of 600km per second later in the day and this is causing magnetic unrest and auroras around the Arctic Circle.
According to Earth has entered a fast-moving stream of solar wind, and this is causing minor G1-class geomagnetic storms around the poles.
The solar wind is flowing from a coronal hole in the sun's atmosphere.
Earth should be inside the stream for 24 to 36 hours.
Solar storms causing seizures and migraines in people and dogs, behaviour problems in children and enhanced medical problems for people in Alaska
I frequently receive emails from a wonderfully brave man from Alaska, his name is Bill Laughing-Bear who suffers from Traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Because of his injury, Bill can't use a computer because the screen causes him seizures or terrible migraines so his mother Tina types his work and thoughts for him.
New report! Space Weather linked to North Sea whale strandings: Old news of course on The Big Wobble
It is a theory The Big Wobble has been banding around for almost a year now, Solar storms may trigger whale strandings as well as dolphins, birds and bees and other animals who rely upon our magnetic field to navigate.
Tropical storm Adrian and tropical cyclone Donna along with a massive Coronal hole on the Sun influence two major quakes within days of each other
A shallow magnitude 6.2 - 79km SSW of Acajutla, El Salvador is the 7th major quake of May and the 31st of a record breaking low count so far in 2017.
Interesting to note the quake occured almost exactly in the same area where tropical storm Adrian formed 24 hours earlier.
Massive quake: Volcano activity increasing around the world and massive black-outs in the US: Coincidence or influenced by enormous Coronal Hole facing Earth?
In the past couple of days, since the solar wind escaping from the Coronal hole began battering the Earths magnetosphere, 100,000 people suffered blackouts in San Francisco, a massive 7.1 quake reduced to a mag 6.9 by USGS and increased volcano activity around the world with the volcano above in Papua New Guinea and Costa Rica's Turrialba volcano and Poas volcano and Nishinoshima island in Japan just a few examples did
Solar flare spewing from mega hole in the Sun cause blackout mayhem in San Francisco as almost 100,000 people suffer
- Solar flare spewing from mega hole in the Sun could cause blackout mayhem
- Almost 100,000 people suffer black out in San Francisco today
Coronal hole = Major Quakes! Only 3 major quakes all month: Now 2 in 1 hour as 2 large holes on the Sun faces Earth!

We have had only three major quakes all month up till this evening, then as two massive Coronal holes line up to face Earth spewing a solar wind stream which was expected to reach Earth today we have had two major quakes in one hour not to mention the three active volcanoes yesterday.
Another large dolphin pod beached themselves last week while a massive coronal hole on the Sun faced the Earth
- Another large dolphin pod beached themselves last week while a massive coronal hole on the Sun faced the Earth, on an ongoing investigation The Big Wobble has found a link between the coronal holes causing mass stranding's around our planet
38 carcasses wash up on Sundays River, in sixth stranding in same area over last 20 years
Big Wobble Exclusive: Coronal holes and magnetic storms responsible for mass whale and dolphin strandings? Animals subjected to magnetic field
This idea of Coronal holes and magnetic storms affecting people and pets then led me to an idea, maybe the magnetic storms are behind mass beaching’s of whales and dolphins
So I did some digging, imagine my surprise when every mass beaching I checked coincided with a Coronal Hole facing the Earth!
Here are just a few examples:
If proof was needed coronal holes on our Sun is the main quake and volcanic activity factor on Earth it's here! 2 major quakes and 3 volcano eruptions around Alaska's Aleutian Islands
- Tues Mag 6.6 Kamchatska Russia
- Mon Mag 6.1 Attu Island Alaska
- Sun Tha Kambalny Volcano Eruption Kamchatska
- Sat Cleveland and Bogoslof Volcanoes on Alaskan Aleutian Islands