Sunday, 23 February 2025

The Americanisation of Bible prophecy and the 'Great White Hope!' In just over a month President Trump has made the church sit up and pay attention! STRIKE ONE—Trump survives a bullet to the head! STRIKE TWO—RFK Jr. Calls Trump ‘A Man on a White Horse’. What can we expect next?

President Trump Official Portrait 2025.

We are just over one month of President Trump's appointment as President of The Free World. For many inside the US, he has been divinely inserted into political power to rescue a great nation in decline, and make—America Great Again. While most people in the USA are buoyant at God having installed Donald Trump as the new President of the free world, most of the global population is considerably less enthusiastic and a tad apprehensive than they are happy. And so they should be, Mr Trump is hell-bent on prioritising his America first, as would any great president. If what he says is true, it's time the rest of the Western World begins to stand on its own two feet and stop holding on to America's coattails!

In just over a month President Trump has made the church sit up and pay attention. Not only is he being hailed as America's saviour, the one chosen by God to bring America's people back to God but also the fact he was shot in the head, saving his own life by turning at exactly the right moment, some might say fulfilling Bible prophecy in Revelation 13:3. Also the fact RFK called Trump his "MAN ON A WHITE HORSE!" Referring to Jesus in Revelation 19:11-16. Or the antichrist on a white horse in Revelation 6: 

The Americanisation of Bible prophecy

Many American church leaders, especially Christian leaders, such as Pastor John MacArthur, Jonathan Cahn, and Gary Stearman, who have access to the media, rightly claim Trump has been divinely placed into office. However, they claim Trump has been selected to 'restore' the US to its former glory, as a World Superpower. President Trump will lead his people back to God—"MAGA" (Making America Great Again!). But they can't know this of course, can they read the mind of God? That's a dangerous game.

However, the US is in moral decay. In the movies, TV, or social media, every other word used in a sentence is a curse word, the F-bomb or even worse. It's as if they can't talk without the cursin'. This horrible way of bastardising the English language is just another sign of Bible prophecy that we are living in the end times. Mr Trump himself has been known to use colourful language and his description of some women is well, quite disturbing to be honest. Holywood itself sees to it the US gets a healthy diet of Bible prophecy every day—2 Timothy 3-5, see below:

 3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. 

I suffer from this vile language daily, I am often called obscene names by American people who comment on this blog. I had to close down my Facebook page because of vulgar and vile language used by Americans, and to a lesser extent by Brits, and Australians. A few years ago I was in a bar in The Haig, Holland. An American drunk was entertaining a group of admiring girls, he was buying them Champagne and was obviously being stung. Anyway, he was telling the girls and the rest of the bar with his booming voice how the US had invented every curse word in the English language. He was so proud of his country's wonderful achievement, that I didn't want to be the one to tell him Holland for example built wooden windmills 200 years before the US was even thought of!

So Mr Trump and his Christian supporters will have their work cut out. The US at the moment is a divided land, often thought to be on the verge of civil war. Restoring people's beliefs back to God will not be easy and maybe a little pretentious considering the current state of the nation. The country is swimming in drug abuse, obesity, poverty and civil unrest while a tiny minority are drowning in their own wealth. 

America has changed, and so have its people, the world is not as simple as in the early 50s anymore. The US is no longer envied by the rest of the world. Many Europeans for example are a little tired of America bigging-up its status as a military super-power. Super weapons it may have but, its military has been far from 'super.' Failure has followed them since the 1975 retreat from Saigon. If Mr Trump decides to invade or go to war with anyone, be it a bunch of Jihadists in an airport in Kabul or a Sovereign Nation he will have to make sure his Generals and Chief Of Staff are all reading from the same page. These days, one small human mistake and it's game over.  

If you are familiar with the Bible, it clearly reveals to us we are living in prophetic times right now, but, there is no mention of a 'super individual' coming during the end times to save America. No mention of 'SUPERMAN, or WONDER WOMAN.' There is, HOWEVER, a mention of a 'super' Satanic someone' coming, someone who will claim he is god and promise "PEACE TO THE WORLD." Now, I'm not saying Trump is the antichrist, I am not privy to such sensitive information, but, what I do know is, that President Trump is 'NOT' the Messiah. And, only Jesus can restore peace. Could he be one of God's two end-time witnesses? Once again, I don't know about that, but, fire has been known to come out of his mouth!

Throughout global history, God has divinely placed Emperors, Kings, Queens, Dictators, Presidents and Prime Ministers into what appears at the time as unassailable power. Take King Nebuchadnezzar II, for example, the founder and ruler of the Chaldean Empire. In 598 BC, Nebuchadnezzar campaigned against the Kingdom of Judah, succeeding in capturing the city of Jerusalem and the most prominent Jews. Later, however, God embarrassed Nebuchadnezzar II by making him graze on grass for seven years and showing the king who was really in charge. It's the same story throughout history, from powerful and evil conquerors, Roman Ceasers, military leaders and of course, Adolph Hitler, history has seen God repeatedly change mighty leaders of powerful nations into mere whimpering clowns. Many scholars claim the US has been just as Godless as Judah and the Jews were back in the time of King Nebuchadnezzar, many believing the US could be about to suffer the same fate as the Jews back in 598 BC?

President Trump has also tried to lay claims of millions of miles of real estate and land which does not belong to him. After a month of being officially in charge, certain orders, quotes and actions are beginning to worry not only his opposition but his own supporters. Donald Trump appeared to quote Napoleon Bonaparte recently when he wrote on X: “He who saves his Country does not violate any Law.” Well, Greenland, Denmark, Panama, Gaza Ukraine and their BFF Canada may not quite agree on that statement. I have, however, read several newspaper stories pleading with Mr Trump to annex the UK, relieving them of the current woke choking wonder group, the Labor Government. 

Hollywood burns and stars in its own disaster movie!

Last month, LA and Hollywood burned to the ground, this month what was left flooded, 2025 has been a disaster. Often called the entertainment industry, Tinsel Town is cringingly woke but is not a political bastion of America, it is something completely different. Hollywood represents 'decadence' and 'deception.' According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, to be decadent is to be in the process of decay, so, a powerful nation may be said to be in a decadent stage if its power is fading. All the signs point to a decadent America, you might even say it is in freefall.

Deception—The other Hollywood gift to the World is deception—To cause someone to believe in something false, or not true. Hollywood is where history is often changed to suit America, epic warrior stories are told and battles are won, but also, Holywood depicts horror, murder, magic, sorcery and 'comic-book heroes'.  Holywood is also where many of the world's most disturbing pornographic movies are made.

I have used the term "signs and wonders" so regularly recently but I don't use it flippantly, and yet, there have been so many events recently showing just that—Signs And Wonders! As our World continues to explode into a state of heightened paranoia, Signs And Wonders are the two most accurate adjectives I can use to describe the incredible events happening in the US these last months! What is happening to the once great United States is criminal. Tent cities taking over downtown areas, occupied by drug-fuelled junkies while round-the-corner millionaires, go about their business in swanky offices. Hard-working folks unable to afford health insurance, and others seeing no end in sight from poverty and worry. Is this the new American dream?

The rich and famous are losing their homes, will anybody care? Will the fires be the fault of America's embarrassing elapsed infrastructure? No water in the reservoir? The power grid system broke, and the fire department once again expected to work miracles? You need water to put a fire out. The US is plagued by decrepit and broken infrastructure much of it needed renovation years ago.

Will Mr Trump and Mr Musk be as cocky in a few months when the wheels begin falling off their wagon? Time will tell. I know one thing, The USA and its allies are not well favoured in End Time Biblical Prophecy when the sh#t finally does hit the fan and Russia and its allies march on Israel. America will be all but defenceless and will offer no resistance!

At the risk of sounding sanctimonious or hypocritical, I just needed to write this post. It will upset many friends in many countries, which is not my aim, however, it is a subject I have wanted to write about for a while now, especially as current events suggest we are moving into very dangerous times, especially, if you consider yourself religious in any way.

God Bless America.

"God Bless America?" This has to be one of the most toe-curling arrogant phrases on the planet, admittedly, it comes from a toe-curling arrogant country and a people who are only too brainwashed to believe it must be nothing other than the truth. (The phrase comes from a patriotic song by Irvin Berlin in 1918.) A hundred years later, Americans have taken the phrase, "God Bless America" as a given birthright. This is a dangerous presumption for the 350 million people who live there. God does indeed love all Americans, however, how long will Patience last? He also loves the other "7.5 billion" people living on Earth. Just as Israel did in the past, America has turned its back on God. Is Trump here to help or hinder? 

YouTube short—The US now through the eyes of a hero


Religion 2025

1 comment:

Hawkeye said...

Good one Gary! Oh, and you didn't piss me off, no worries, it's true all you wrote. My country is a mess! But that's because these leaders we have are all liars. Sadly in addition to our leaders here in USA there are too many others following suit and so there's the answer in a nut shell, why is everything so in decay? Because most everything is a big fat lie!
So to answer your last question....HINDER!
The prophecies of the Bible are jumping off the pages now, it's amazing to see, but beware, liars use partial truth to make their lies believed. A really good example of this is something trump just said and is in news now. He was addressing governors and speaking about why there are so many cases of autism now compared to just 20 years ago. 18 to 20 years ago autism in children was 1 in 20,000. Today it is 1 in 36. One out of every 36 kids gets autism. That is unbelievable. Trump says, "maybe it's something we are spraying.....?" He then added that the Pennsylvania Dutch (meaning the Amish) are amazingly healthy and they dont do any of it", there is our answer, but he says, " you're going to find out very soon". Wow!
So much to say about that statement, but what are we going to find out very soon? What he just said is an example of a twisted truth also known as a lie.

The spraying....yes we see it Mr Maga, but if the Amish in Pennsylvania are not experiencing autism in their children then it's something else causing that and it is vaccines! The Amish do not vaccinate their kids or themselves! The spraying of our skies has been going on for decades, really intense recently and Pennsylvania gets it too. See what he does?
This statement is a lie to distract from the truth, vaccines are maming, causing diseases and horrible sudden deaths and he is a vac pusher so look away to blame something else and deceptive words are his choice.
He is a deceiver!
Any said Bible teacher who supports or idolizes Trump as a Savior is also a deceiver, false prophet. Have nothing to do with them!