Sunday, 26 January 2025

Deja-Vu—History Repeating? As our climate-driving jet stream becomes extremely erratic and screams with heart-attack inducing palpitations—69 years ago, An American President Demanded The World, And Space—'Be careful of what you wish for.'

Credit Earthwindmap showing the record-breaking jet stream pushing high-velocity wind and 'slingshotting' passenger planes across the Atlantic. I personally. have never before seen this unbroken jet stream so powerful, race around the entire Northern Hemisphere like this before. Atlantic flights have been hitting speeds of 800 mph and saving as much as two hours off the journey time crossing the Atlantic. The erratic jet stream, however, also caused incredible damage to Ireland and the UK this weekend with extreme winds and flooding and the MET claimed storm Eowyn was a once-in-a-lifetime storm. Even so, Britain is set to be battered by Storm Herminia and more than 75mph winds - just days after Eowyn wreaked havoc with more bad weather on the cards for another three days. It is the same jet stream which has brought devastating cold to the US after a polar vortex collapse earlier this month leading to unprecedented snowfall in Florida and the Gulf Of America (Mexico?). Sub-tropical Florida has beaten Alaska for seasonal snow after their recent deluge. The highly intense and powerful winds which stoked this year's record-breaking LA Wildfires were indeed helped by the same super erratic jet stream. 

This 'erratic jet stream,' however, is not unique, it is getting more frequent but, also, it is getting more and more erratic with each year that passes and we were warned. Recently, (the last twenty years) October, November, late January and February have become a repeating nightmare for Ireland, the UK, Scandinavia and Western Europe with devasting storms being blown on land by this powerful weather engine jet stream.  palpitations 

Back in November 2019, the normally calm and unexcitable BBC weather reporter claimed:
"July will be 'unlivable 'over here [Southern Europe] very soon!"

He was referring to the summer heat in Spain—The fact is, Mr BBC, Winter as well as Summer will very soon" be unlivable all along Western Europe, as the increasing storms broil into one giant winter lasting storm. . . And during future winter months, as storms batter Europe, will the Western Coast of the US be burning and the Central Plains suffer bone-crunching cold? I wouldn't bet against it!

History is repeating!

Deja-Vu—While Trump has demanded Greenland, the Panama Canal and Canada this month.  Exactly sixty-seven years ago Lyndon Johnson demanded the "WHOLE WORLD!" 

The Mighty Military-Industrial Complex And The 1957 Connection!

"Our very future depended on being the ones who first seized ownership of space." “Control of space means control of the world.”

“From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the gulf stream and change temperate climates to frigid.”

At this point, you would be excused if you thought the above clip was the ranting of a possessed madman in an old black-and-white sci-fi horror film? Nope, the speech actually came from, the then-Senate Majority Leader and leader of the Democratic political opposition to Republican President Dwight Eisenhower . . . Lyndon Johnson, yes him, who will be coming under scrutiny himself in the coming months after the release of the JFK files, actually demanded the 'world for the US' after the Soviets beat the Americans into space.

Johnson, soon to be the leader of the "FREE WORLD" continued:

In essence, the Soviet Union has appraised control of space as a goal of such consequence that achievement of such control has been made a first aim of national policy. [In contrast], our decisions, more often than not, have been made within the framework of the Government’s annual budget. Against this view, we now have on record the appraisal of leaders in the field of science, respected men of unquestioned competence, whose valuation of what control of outer space means renders irrelevant the bookkeeping concerns of fiscal officers.

In other words 'space' must belong to the US, whatever the cost.

The above speech by Lindon Johnson, on January 8, 1958, to the New York Times, probably ignited the now infamous space race between the US and the Soviet Union. Johnson, the then-Senate Majority Leader and leader of the Democratic political opposition to Republican President, Dwight Eisenhower, created such a controversy over the USSR’s launch of Sputnik 1 that Eisenhower was forced into a public 'space race' he didn’t want. President Eisenhower had expressed no alarm over the Sputnik 1 incident when asked about a space race and further commented that “this country [the U.S.] has never been in a race". Even the Russian leader, Nikita Khrushchev, had made light of Sputnik’s significance and didn't want an escalation with the US. Later in 1958, Eisenhower launched NASA.

 Of course, the space race exploded. This led a weary and concerned Eisenhower to warn the world of a very dangerous growing military-industrial complex in his now-famous farewell address from office in 1961. The President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, a five-star general during World War II, tried to warn the world of future dystopian horrors when he first coined the phrase, "military-industrial complex," warning the world of the grave implications and threat from a powerful, out-of-control, cash consuming deep-state.  Here is part of his famous speech:

“A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction... This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city, every statehouse, and every office of the Federal Government. We recognise the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defence with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together." 

 As I mentioned earlier, we were warned!

A prominent scientist at the time, Harry Wexler, was on JFK's team of space race scientists who, as early as 1962 warned the US government that the increased pollution from "rocket exhausts" was doing “terrible” things to our atmosphere. But as you can imagine, the military was having none of it.

Harry Wexler warned the government that chlorine and bromine, the stuff coming out of rocket exhausts were destroying the ozone layer and would eventually disrupt the “jet stream” which in turn would cause worldwide weather chaos.

As you know and have known for a while now, our jet stream is acting extremely erratic and is causing worldwide weather chaos!

The jet stream is thought to be one of the biggest causes of extreme weather (global warming) recently. And this 'weather driver' is causing much of the chaotic weather behaviour we are witnessing today. The erratic jet stream is causing horrendous storms, flooding, wildfires, heatwaves, droughts and bone-crunching cold and will only get worse in the coming years. We can't repair the jet stream which today has turned into a mass serial killer, bringing death and damage to the Northern Hemisphere and costing governments billions of dollars.

It wasn't just rockets which worried Wexler. According to Wikipedia, in 1958, Harry Wexler voiced his concern regarding atom bomb testing claiming the testing would lead to a new ice age by causing a nuclear winter scenario. From 1959 until 1961 he proposed and promoted the idea of a World Weather Watch. In 1961 he served as the lead negotiator for the U.S. in talks with the U.S.S.R., concerning the joint use of meteorological satellites. Wexler unfortunately died ‘suddenly’ in 1962 of a heart attack before he could release his findings to the public. . .
And of course, the mighty military-industrial complex which has grown to something unimaginable to us, has been shooting up the atmosphere ever since.

Wexler's warning. . .

Harry Wexler warned in 1962 that rockets were burning holes in the ionosphere, destroying the ozone layer, and modifying weather on a global scale (causing global warming). The year following his death, W. W. Kellogg from the RAND Corporation suggested expanding the use of sounding rockets (more research, using rockets) to do just that: modify global weather?

Wexler’s prescient work between 1958 and 1962 “—On the Possibilities of Climate Control,” reminds us that we are not the first generation to be involved with, or concerned about geoengineering.

Wexler assured his audiences that he was concerned not with the long and checkered history of 'cloud modification' leading to more-or-less localised precipitation influences. No, rather with 'planetary-scale manipulation' of the Earth’s short-wave and long-wave radiation budget that would result in “rather large-scale effects on the general circulation patterns in short or longer periods, even approaching that of climatic change.

Geoengineering and Ozone Destruction.

Last week, NOAA announced that 2024 was officially the warmest year since records began in 1850. This is no surprise to anyone following weather statistics; scientists predicted this as early as May.

NOAA's report highlights
  • NOAA ranks 2024 as the warmest year in its global temperature record, which dates back to 1850. 
  • Upper ocean heat content—the heat stored in the top 2000 meters of the ocean—was record high in 2024. 
  • Antarctic sea ice extent was second lowest on record in both February (when the annual minimum occurs) and September (when the annual maximum occurs).
Reading the highlights doesn't actually cause alarm or dread, probably because they go back just one year. We need the bigger picture to see what's really happening! It's actually much worse than they are letting on.

Increasing rising temperatures can be seen across the world these days.
Even in the Middle East, temperatures of 50C (122+ F) were once the limit, but now parts of Pakistan, India, Australia, Europe the US, and Canada are regularly passing that mark. (what kind of temperatures will we be enduring in ten years, 60 deg C?) But the intensity of the heat in the northwest Americas in 2021 and 2023, Siberia in 2020 and parts of Europe in 2019 and 2023 has taken many scientists by surprise and suggested "extra factors" may be involved in northern latitudes.

One theory is that the recent temperature spike might have been caused not just by global heating, but by “slowing weather systems” that get stuck in one place for an extended period, which gives them time to intensify and cause more damage. (namely the jet stream) This was an important factor in the devastation in Texas caused by Hurricane Harvey in 2018, which sat above Houston for several days or—hurricane Dorian which parked itself over the Bahamas for two days in 2019. Storm systems, hurricanes and cyclones can't just park up for a day or two, but somehow, recently, they are doing just that! Blocked high-pressure fronts were also blamed for the blistering heatwave in Europe in 2019 and 2023.

Wexlar's warning happening now—An example in October 2023.

In October, Storm Babet incredibly, stayed above the UK and Ireland for four days dumping the highest amount of rainfall the UK had ever recorded and causing devastation from wind and flooding. The storm should not have been able to park itself for four days over land!

$ Billion weather global computer models can't keep pace with the change.

Shocked climate scientists are wondering how even worst-case scenarios will fail to predict such furnace-like conditions here on Earth. Johan Rockström, the director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, said the recent extreme weather anomalies were not represented in global computer models that are used to project how the world might change with more emissions. The fear is that weather systems might be more frequently blocked as a result of human emissions.



Today, we are launching rockets into space all day and every day around the world. However, what NASA, our governments, and the media have failed to tell us, is, that every time a rocket is launched, it punches a hole into our ionosphere dumping massive amounts of toxic particulates into our atmosphere. Our climate-changing problems of today lie not only merely with airlines, factories, and automobile pollution which, indeed, do spray toxic substances into our atmosphere, however, that amount is minuscule when compared to the incredible amounts of toxic crap dumped into the atmosphere by the military, space agencies, and the commercial satellite service.


As 2020 disappeared into the annals of horrible history, it brought to a close the warmest decade (2011-2020) ever recorded here on our planet. According to the World Meteorological Organization, 2020 ended as the warmest year ever, equaling 2016. Since then the last five years have been even warmer. It's now almost 50 years since Earth enjoyed a 'colder-than-average-year' (1991/2020 average) The six warmest years have all been since 2015 and that is a fact even the most robust skeptic cannot ignore. The exceptional heat of 2019 and 2020 came despite a cooling La Niña event. “Record warm years have usually coincided with a strong El Niño event, as was the case in 2016. What we experienced in 2020 was a La Niña event, which had a “cooling effect” on global temperatures but, was not sufficient to put a brake on this latest heat record. Last year was officially recorded by NOAA this month as easily the hottest year since 1850.

The experts claim we are the culprits but are we?

NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) like to blame us, the ordinary Joe, working man. They say we are killing the planet because we drive around in gas-guzzling cars, use aeroplanes to reach faraway destinations work in dirty emission-producing factories and live unsustainably. While this may be true to a small extent, NASA and NOAA along with the mighty militaries of the US, China, and Russia, and other global space agencies and the commercial satellite service are actually doing more to harm the planet than we ever could imagine. Please let me explain.

When Elon Musk’s SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket blasts off on a plume of white smoke, hot gases shoot out of its 27 engines, creating a thrust equal to “18 Boeing 747 aircraft.” Upon reaching orbit, the world’s heaviest operational rocket will have burned about 400 metric tons of kerosene and emitted more carbon dioxide in a few minutes than an average car would in more than two centuries. That kind of shock to our atmosphere is stoking concerns about the true effect launching into orbit has on Earth, and it’s surely about to get worse. Fuelled by surging data transmissions and the race for commercial space flights between Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies Corp., Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin, and Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc., the number of launches — including giants such as the Falcon Heavy and new mini-rockets — is expected to increase tenfold in the coming years according to a report by the LA Times

The Wonderful Space Shuttle!

Every time a space shuttle was launched, the solid rocket boosters released 240 tons of HCl gas, 26 tons of chlorine gas, 7 tons of nitrogen dioxide gas, and 304 tons of aluminium oxide into the atmosphere. The resulting hydrochloric acid “dissolved eight inches of concrete on the launch pad” during a Space Shuttle launch, raising the concentration of hydrochloric acid in nearby lakes to 3M, producing massive fish kills in the ocean, and destroying the paint on cars, leading chemists to believe that HCl is a major contributor to the holes in the ozone layer according to a report by SCRIBD.

The Space Shuttle made a total of 135 space flights during its 30-year career, which is more than 41,000 tons of aluminium oxide, 3,510 tons of chlorine gas, almost 1,000 tons of nitrogen dioxide gas, and 32,400 tons of HCI gas, all thrown into our atmosphere. That was just the Space Shuttle, now throw into the mix, Gemini, Apollo and Saturn missions, etc, the Russian Soyuz Space exploration, India and China and now Japan's contribution, the thousands of satellites launched into space, thousands of sounding rockets, (NASA's airborne researchers), military experiments, more than 2,000 nuclear weapons tests and you begin to imagine the damage mankind has done to our atmosphere, the ionosphere and the ozone layer since 1957.



HAWKEYE said...

Yes Gary, the jet stream is literally broken and is a main factor in weather disruption/extreme climate events. So that being a fact, what better way to control earth's climate systems and weather could there be without involving the once natural jet streams of the planet to be manipulated? It is a big part of geoengineering.
WTF are they spraying the firmament of Heaven (and us) with!!??
This 'program' is very nefarious due to the psychos that have employed it and the many reasons (not just weather control) that it is being used for.
To continue business as usual, even though business is destroying our atmosphere, we have geoengineering as the remedy/med ... but shhhhh, don't tell anyone, it's a secret!

It's also a great place to hide and deploy other horrible things on all life on Earth. How is it that as noted in this post past presidential men point blank stated in warning that this space/weather control desire that was/is in our government(s) minds, and in use today, and most people still don't believe it's happening nor do many of them even see it!? Imagine that, some can not even see the sky being sprayed constantly!? Nor do they think a severe storm system is not normal to stay in one place for 36 hours or longer.

I think it's very probable to be part of what is described in the book of Revelation, dimming the sun (dimming brains!).

Anonymous said...

Chris said...