Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Climate change?—Over the past two years rainfall has been well above the average in Western Europe—Record-breaking in Spain! Spanish fishers claim a “catastrophic” collapse in shellfish, with some stocks falling by as much as 90%—Fishermen claim pollution, scientists climate change!

Porto De Vigo Galicia, credit Wikipedia.

Spanish fishers in Galicia are reporting a “catastrophic” collapse in shellfish numbers, with some stocks falling by as much as 90% in the space of a few years. Galicia is Europe’s principal shellfish source and, after China, the world’s biggest producer of mussels, which are farmed in the estuaries. But figures published by a fishing website this month reveal an alarming decline in cockles and clams, which are collected by hand at low tide, as well as mussels, which are farmed on ropes strung from wooden rafts known as bateas. In 2023 the crop of cockles fell by 80% compared with the previous year, while some varieties of clams fell by 78%.

Mussel production last year was the lowest in a quarter of a century, falling from 250,000 tonnes in 2021 to 178,000 last year. María del Carmen Besada Meis, who heads the San Martiño fishers association in the Ría de Arousa, one of the principal sources of shellfish in the region, believes that climate change is the culprit, thanks in part to the recent torrential rains that have reduced the salinity of the rías. Over the past two years rainfall has been well above the average.“But we don’t have enough concrete evidence and what we’d like is for someone to come and do some proper research so that we know what’s behind this and what we can do about it,” she says.“We’re marisqueros (shell fishers) and we don’t know what the solution is, which is why need scientists to help us with this,” says Besada Meis. “The government needs to put some money on the table for this research.”But the other factor behind the collapse in stocks is pollution, according to Marta Martín-Borregón, responsible for oceans at Greenpeace, Spain, who describes the latest figures as “catastrophic”.

The biggest cause is pollution from waste discharged into the estuary, from agriculture and from factories, such as the fish canneries,” she says. There are also plans to reopen the nearby Touro-Pino copper mine, which will potentially create more waste, while there is widespread opposition to a proposal to build a huge cellulose plant in the region which, according to Greenpeace, would consume 46,000 cubic metres of water a day, the equivalent of the entire surrounding province of Lugo.

The Galician water company says that waste is dumped into the sea more than 2,000 times a year, of which 10% exceeds legal toxicity limits. While Martín-Borregón says there is an urgent need to clean up the rías, she agrees that the key factor is climate change.“The waters of the rías are normally cold and the currents bring a lot of nutrients. With warming seas there are species of shellfish that can’t thrive in warm water,” she says. “This is especially the case with mussels and as the temperatures rise the shellfish industry is moving closer towards collapse.”Another factor that reduces salinity, in addition to heavy rains, is when the dams are opened at low tide, flooding the rías with fresh water, and causing massive mortality among bivalves, particularly cockles. The warmer waters also attract invasive species, notably the blue crab, native to the western Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, which is a voracious consumer of local species such as spider crabs and velvet crabs, both of which have a high market value. The only chink of light is that oyster production has increased slightly, but otherwise, the outlook is grim.“We can’t make a living like this,” says Besada Meis. “We carry on working but we’re living on social security.

Pollution or Climate Change—'Nature is disappearing!

”Nature is disappearing: The average size of wildlife populations has fallen by a staggering 73% The Living Planet Report 2024 highlights the average change in observed population sizes of 5,495 vertebrate species. It shows a decline of 73% between 1970 and 2020. WWF Report here Can you imagine the worldwide panic if 73% of humans had disappeared since 1970? just a couple of weeks after the WWF report, another study claimed the world's trees were sliding towards extinction. Scientists assessing dangers posed to the world’s trees revealed that more than a "third of tree species are facing extinction" (a third of all species!!!) in the wild. The number of threatened trees now outweighs all threatened birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians put together. This is according to the latest update to the official extinction red list. The news was released in Cali, Colombia, where world leaders met at the UN biodiversity summit, COP 16, to assess progress on a landmark rescue plan for nature. Trees are vital for life, (DUH!) helping to clean the air and soak up carbon emissions, as well as providing homes for thousands of birds, insects and mammals (and human beings). Full Story



hawkeye said...

The same is happening here in SWFL Gary, including the same pathetic talk about causes. Climate change or pollution? Well I'm leaning with pollution because climate change is really geoengineering (not natural) and geoengineering is massive toxic pollution. All these 'scientists' that officials and stupid citizens turn to for answers, research and funding, not one ever considers or includes what is falling from the skies across the globe. So like I've said before, if you don't use all the 'numbers' in a math equation then the results (answers) are incorrect. It's that simple.
What is used to determine the 'why's' are the visual side effects from the cause(s). Waters too warm, yes that is a side effect symptom and does cause marine life to reduce but oceans are warming from man manipulating earth's climate systems and man's insane control need for launching satellites to power technology, part of that technology is geoengineering the planet. It is toxic, the spray used the frequencies that manipulate jet streams and earth's magnetic energies, every aspect of this secret program is toxic to earth and all its life forms. The rest takes care of it itself by the domino effect that eventually ends in death or severe reduction in spieces (plant/animal/marine life/humans). So nothing will change for the better ever, sorry to say it!
SWFL has constant red tide and algae blooms. For years! Couple that with our recent 4 hurricanes in 2 years that put tons of debris in to our waterways on top of all this red tide pollution. We haven't had clams since hurricane Ian hit. The island I live on is a fishing and farming island, not the beach, and we were the growers of numerous clam beds in our shallow waters of mangrove islands that surround our coastline. All the clam guys are unemployed. Can't get any clams to grow anymore, they are all gone.


Gary Walton said...

IT'S BACK? Wow, these blooms killed billions of fish and birds five years ago!

Anonymous said...

The name Hogorina carries an air of mystery, like an ancient whisper echoing through time. While its precise origin remains elusive, let us explore the realms of imagination and weave a tale around this enigmatic name.

In the sun-drenched streets of ancient Palestine, where diverse souls mingled and haggled with merchants, there emerged a singular figure: Hogorina. This lone wanderer, meek and humble, spoke of unseen realms and the kinship of all mankind. His countenance was grave yet peaceful, and his message resonated with those who listened.

Hogorina walked into a city where ninety percent of the population were not of Judean ancestry. Only a small fraction were true citizens, born and reared within those ancient walls. As he strolled through the streets, he observed the struggles of rich and poor alike, transcending worldly divisions.

In a synagogue, Hogorina addressed a diverse congregation. His words echoed the warnings of King David, who had once grappled with a nation of Edomites holding Judea in spiritual bondage. From the back of a donkey, this mysterious man stepped into a valueless mass of inexplicable humanity, revealing that He was the Son of God1.

Perhaps Hogorina was more than a name; perhaps it was a cosmic echo, a memory carried across ages. Or maybe, just maybe, it was the whispered secret of forgotten stars, etched into the fabric of existence.

So let us ponder: Is Hogorina a forgotten hero, a celestial traveler, or a fragment of eternity? The truth lies hidden, waiting for curious souls to unravel its enigma. 🌟🌿

Anonymous said...

Ancient Assitis Philosophy: A Buzzard’s Ideals

The greatest worth is to know the truth. To conceal the facts for gain is utter shame. 1st in asseries.

Conclusively, it has been demonstrated by documentation through several historical approaches how America is being inwardly captured through planned social destruction under a facade of ancient oriental fundamentalistic pseudo-religion misperception disguised as low key “Humanism.” Deeply concerned citizens (Christians) conform themselves. Why, why, why? Pauline apostolic meditation surfaces the answer. Plainly, the agents who trailed Paul until the bankers succeeded in his beheading have never left the so-called Christian sects up this very hour. Absolutely, at no time in the history of humanity. The apostle Paul knew this and provoked on several occasions. Little change has been wrought by man through the ages, thus Satan’s influence roosts in high places. Extracting information, usually well concealed via printed works, brings the conspirators upon one’s head the most profound intimidation. This is not a declaration against any individual, nevertheless, Satan through his followers managed to nail a God to a tree. Is any mortal man above our Lord in perfection? If so, a shallow thought, indeed.

Systematically, and comprehensively, contemporary racial, racial reorganization on one vast scale, intellectually, socially, economically, and spiritually has its roots in the field of Universal Commercialism. To weigh the balance of religious prostitution within any denomination is to clearly understand international economics, labour, and banking as to their total influence within these elements and any given social order… especially, racial poisoning calculated to destroy Western World Christianity. Woe unto those who warn of this satanic conspiracy. So as in Paul’s day, luciferian agents within the fold (church) turned misled Christians against this chosen man of God. Unparalleled, in 1981. Yes, indeed. An impossibility in the negative.

Capital, by Karl Marx, Pub. 1867 volume 1, Pg. 754, paragraph 1. Quote: It was the strange God “who perched himself on the alter cheek by jowl with the old Gods of Europe, and one fine day with a shove and a kick chucked them all off a heap. IT PROCLAIMED SUB-PLUS VALUE MAKING AS THE SOLE END AND AIM OF HUMANITY.” End quote. As the devil might quote scripture, so the anti-christ is capable of blurting out the truth.

In unison, American Christendom collectively, not independently, molds a newer God and attempts to shut from existence the Lord of Lords, Jesus the Christ, the son of the ever living God. In a short number of years, God will demonstrate that his son, Jesus the Christ, will never yield to the perch of Karl Marx. Excommunications, and ecclesiastical back-drops, with whatever intent, takes no precedence over incipient truth.

Egalitarianism, and brotherhood, has been exposed as purely a unified process liberally thrown down upon half-witted intellect. Primarily, a scheme of universal proposal in the area of geo-global socialized politics to bring about international parliamentary gangsterism as sub-directed by the Illuminati through The Council on Foreign Relations, and of which is the INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT of the United States. Struggling to create a “One World Government” constructed principally respective of “Red Russian Bolshevism.”