Sunday, 15 December 2024

A Big Wobble Exclusive! More Deception Than Ever Before—Project Blue Beam? There will be great 'earthquakes, terrors and 'great signs from heaven. Dec 24/25, 1957 . . . A DEVINE INTERVENTION? Could another cataclysmic Pole-Shift be on it's way?


I am often called a 'CONSPIRACY THEORIST!' I suppose over the years this blog hasn't helped, but, I must be, I guess—But there is a reason. In the cold winter of 1978, I stood in the streets with a line of other people, captivated by a UFO in the skies above my hometown Leeds, in the UK. Many people watched with me on the street that night, and a national and local news report recorded the event too. From that moment on I realised officialdom, our elected leaders, the people who should be telling me the truth were feeding me and you with a diatribe of anger, coated with a trippy, alternative narrative on many important topics.  What I saw that evening was not 'SWAMP-GAS or a WEATHER BALLOON!'—It looked, and, was in my opinion—Otherworldly. (I wouldn't know what swamp gas looks like, and I have never seen a live weather balloon!)

Fifty years later the same group of people who cried 'CONSPIRACY THEORIST!' and condemned me as a nut-job are now standing up, effortlessly, straight-faced, on TV saying the UFO phenomenon is actually real, always has been and—I can consider myself sane. "Sorry for the inconvenience?" (Nope, no apology from these people.) They also claim that most of the world witnessing drones in the sky at this moment are seeing—"Not what we think we are seeing!"—Yah, don't say! What are we seeing, Project Blue Beam?

Since the Second World War, hundreds, maybe thousands of other 'alternative truths' have been bandied around by our so-called leaders. Too many to go into today. Climate change or global warming is the new UFO I guess . . . The suits and the powers that be, love messing up the planet—They are Milking it dry while pretending to save it! Always talking the talk but never walking the walk. The Mighty 'dystopian' Military Industrial Complex has not only ruined our environment but our society too. We are cloaked in deception, President Eisenhower did warn us in his farewell address in 1961, just four years after my story begins, coincident?

I hope with all my heart I can persuade you with some incredibly deep research presented before you, research, as far as I know, is unique to me and The Big Wobble and represents a good part of my work during the last 8 years. My aim is to expose more so-called, 'alternative truths,' (lies) provided by the so-called 'good guys' in this exhaustive post below—I hope, using official information, graphs, photo-copies and links to official NASA, NOAA, USGS, and other scientific sights—The White House included along with a plethora of alphabet organisations to show how our world began warming in 1957 after an unprecedented event happened on our Sun.

I can prove that our sun triggered climate change, not CO2. The official narrative is not the cause of climate change, as you will see below. The reason is much more mysterious, even frightening. I will also prove that what happened in 1957 was witnessed by the government and scientists. The event alarmed them, considerably, shocked them, and was one of the reasons NASA came into existence just a few months later. Significantly, this event also happened just a few weeks after the space race began between the Soviets and the US, triggering a warning from God going all the way back thousands of years to Genesis in the Bible . . .

Dec 24/25, 1957 . . . A DEVINE INTERVENTION?

According to NOAA, All weather on Earth, from the surface of the planet out into space, begins with the Sun. Space weather and terrestrial weather (the weather we feel at the surface) are influenced by the small changes the Sun undergoes during its eleven-year solar cycle. The most important impact the Sun has on Earth is from the brightness or irradiance of the Sun itself. NOAA Space Weather Impacts On Climate

The Sun produces energy in the form of photons of light. The output from the sun in these wavelengths is nearly constant and changes by only one part in a thousand (0.1%) throughout the 11-year solar cycle.

Below is a screen grab from the official NOAA Solar Cycle Progression. We have a graph showing our Sun's Solar Cycle Progression since the year 1880. A solar Cycle lasts around 11 years and you can see the Solar Cycle numbers at the bottom of the graph inside the jagged pyramids—i.e. 12,13,14,15 etc, all the way until today when we are somewhere in the middle of the Solar Cycle 25, which is called solar max. The lowest part of these pyramids, the troughs are known as solar minimal, when the sun is quiet. Solar Cycle 25 busiest time is expected to peak next year.

If you look at the graph below, starting in 1880, 'Solar Cycle 12,' through to the middle of 'Solar Cycle 18' shows a steady rise in most of the eleven-year cycles. However, looking further, Solar Cycle 19 ( starts +-1955) suddenly and inexplicitly jumps to an unprecedented 339 monthly value. This is a record-breaking number of sunspots and to the scientists at the time the event was quite astonishing, if not a tad disturbing. Even more exciting, this unprecedented burst happened over Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, 1957.

In the years after 1957, we can clearly see Solar Cycles 20,21,22,23 and 24 all drop off considerably and monthly values fall back to around the same amount as 1900. But by accessing data from other sites we can see a trend was forming—After Christmas 1957 our planet showed signs of warming, as if the unprecedented explosion of sunspots had somehow jump-started our planet into heating up. 

Credit—Space Weather Prediction Centre.

On the same graph below I have rather clumsily added extra information (lines) to help you understand just what actually happened directly after the unprecedented sunspot jump in 1957. The red line added shows global temperature leading up to the unprecedented event in 1957 and the yellow line shows solar irradiance, or sunspot activity also leading up to 1957. Both values follow a stable pattern up until 1957. However, suddenly, after the unprecedented spike in sunspot activity—Global temperatures inexplicitly begin to rise sharply, but, incredibly, sunspot activity drops away just as sharply in the other direction!

Credit—Space Weather Prediction Centre, with extra info added by Gary Walton.

To confirm this I needed confirmation of course—Incredibly I found the exact same graph on the Temperature vs Solar Activity/NASAThis graph compares more favourably to my unprofessional agricultural attempt above, but, hopefully, you can see the resemblance. 

Credit—NASA/ Climate

As you can see, the graph above shows the same information as the Space Weather Prediction Centre graph, top. However, below, I have once again added a little extra information to help aid your understanding.

Temperature vs Solar Activity/NASA

Credit—NASA/ Climate, with extra info added by Gary Walton.

Above, I have added extra information to help line up NASA's graph with the Space Weather Prediction Centre graph which shows the same information . . . For instance, the thin yellow solar irradiance peak is the two days when the record-breaking sunspot activity happened. (you can see the record-breaking two-day peak) Shown on the graph these two days were Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, 1957. These are the two days when the unprecedented sunspot activity occurred. After this line, NASA's graph clearly shows a sudden and continuous rise in global temperatures, which is still rising today of course . . . However, sunspot activity begins dropping off considerably in the other direction—It is clearly undeniable.

NASA's explanation . . .

On July 10, 2020, NASA added the above graph which compares global surface temperature changes (red line) and the Sun's energy received by the Earth (yellow line) in watts (units of energy) per square meter since 1880. The lighter/thinner lines show the yearly levels, while the heavier/thicker lines show the 11-year average trends. Eleven-year averages reduce the year-to-year natural noise in the data, making the underlying trends more obvious. [eleven years is the average time of a solar cycle.] The amount of solar energy Earth receives has followed the Sun’s natural 11-year cycle of small ups and downs, with no net increase since the 1950s. Over the same period, global temperature has risen markedly—Surely, it is very likely that the Sun's solar activity has caused the observed global temperature warming trend over the past half-century. (However, NASA claim the opposite) They say—"It is therefore extremely unlikely that the Sun has caused the observed global temperature warming trend over the past half-century." How they have arrived at this conclusion is a mystery to me.

NOAA on the other hand don't quite agree with NASA. Below is a graph from NOAA showing what drives our modern climate. Solar activity, (solar activity) is the main contributor.

The four major contributions to climate change according to NOAA.

 Solar Irradiance (Green), peaks in 1957 due to the record number of sunspots, just as the other three graphs show.

I needed more proof—Tree rings maybe?  

I wondered if the tree ring data agrees with the other graphs above, see below!

This post should now be beginning to grab your attention—The graph above is the Briffa-tree ring density vs temperature also from 1880 and was made by SUV. As you can clearly see, it resembles NASA's, Temperature vs Solar Activity Graph almost identically. The tree rings appear to have reacted similarly to solar activity after 1957. Annual growth in tree rings became considerably narrower after 1957 and then dropped off the cliff, just as solar activity did on NASA's graph and Space Weather Prediction Graph at the top.

Clearly, global temperature suddenly and unexpectedly began its considerable rise, (global warming began) despite being in constant pace with the tree ring widths for the previous 80 years, just as the graphs above show solar activity and global temp. The graph shows twenty-year smoothed plots of averaged ring-width (dashed) and tree-ring density (thick line), averaged across all sites, and shown as standardized anomalies from a common base (1881–1940), and compared with equivalent-area averages of mean April–September temperature anomalies (thin solid line). From SUV, Briffa et al. 1998. . .

Anyway, by now I'm starting to wonder if maybe I can find other data showing global temperatures suddenly taking off around 1957. I didn't realise at the time but, I had stumbled onto something incredible—I was also beginning to realise, one thing was blatantly obvious. If emissions were causing the planet to warm, as we are constantly told, surely the temperature would have risen much more gradually, don't you think?

More Proof and more cover-ups—I didn't have to look far as it turns out.

There is evidence to suggest our magnetic pole is weakening in the Northern Hemisphere. Some scientists even go as far as claiming we could be just years away from a cataclysmic Pole-Shift. In 1963 a book which has recently become folklore on the internet was released by Mr Chan Thomas. In the book, Mr Thomas describes a repeating cataclysm here on Earth which is so destructive, that it is too hard to comprehend. Every 12,000 years or so, evidence suggests our planet flips causing almost total destruction. However, before a word of the book was published, it was classified and banned by the CIA. 57 pages were removed and a sanitized copy was released later. Full story—Evidence of a tropical climate found in the Arctic Circle: The Adam and Eve Story the book the CIA didn't want you to read: Evidence of a Pole Shift? 

Had Mr Chan Thomas stumbled onto sensitive news?

Secret experiments and top-secret military operations conducted at the North Pole in 1946/47/48 had already found devastating evidence which defied logic at the time. Evidence was unearthed during these secret military operations in the Arctic which indicated all life on our planet was being systematically destroyed every 12,000 years or so—A cataclysmic event probably caused by our very own life-giver, our Star, the Sun.

By pure chance, while the US military was looking at options for preventing the Soviets from attacking the US by the Canada route they stumbled on evidence of ancient cataclysmic events. They found our planet was vulnerable to something called, a "pole-shift." This pole shift was capable of destroying almost all living life from humans to plant life and in the process would shift every mountain, hill and island from their original positions. (A scenario mentioned many times in the Bible) 

The incredible violence caused by the sun would flip the polar ice caps into new positions—The poles would become the new equators—The equators would become the new ice caps! The tremendous violence of this pole shift would cause “mega-tsunamis” starting in the Pacific and pushing miles-high waves across the Americas to the Atlantic and beyond into Europe and Asia, destroying everything in its path—And of course, destroying almost every living breathing thing on the planet. . .

Three “magnetic North Poles!

The names of these secret military operations were “Project Nanook,“ and “Project Polaris.”
Just after WWII, top-secret programs were launched by the US to find a way to prevent the Soviets from attacking the US from across the Bearing Sea over the Arctic Circle, which is the shortest route between Russia and the US and of course. The Bearing Sea is frozen over in the winter, leaving the US extremely vulnerable.
During these daring exercises, which involved flying over the Arctic Circle for the very first time, Lt Frank Klein discovered there were not “one”—But three “magnetic North Poles” in the Arctic Circle.

Astonishingly, he also discovered the main magnetic pole was between 125 to 200 miles further north since the original observation back in 1881. Lt Frank Klein had discovered the main magnetic pole had dramatically moved “165 miles” (265 km) closer to the “geographical pole” in just over 50 years. (It is thought the main magnetic pole has moved more than 800km, or 600m and had moved beyond the Canadian Arctic when measured in 2021) see graph below . . .

However, as the program broadened, other incredible discoveries began to surface. For instance, another experiment on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, which is well inside the Arctic Circle and is ice-bound and dark for 'six months' of the year showed ample evidence of past "tropical corals.” Evidence unearthed showed quite clearly Spitsbergen once had a temperate or tropical climate, which of course, should have been impossible if it had always been located in the Arctic.

Fossils of Lilies were also found, leaving scientists scratching their heads. How could tropical plants grow on an island which was dark and frozen for six months of the year? Could the world have been warmer originally or was there another reason for this anomaly? It wasn't just Spitsbergen. In other experiments during their time in the Arctic Circle, areas all over Alaska, Canada, Siberia, and Europe, fossils and bones of animals were discovered—Again, how could animals survive a climate which was frigid, cold and dark for six months of the year and with absolutely no food available?—The simple answer is they couldn’t!

Evidence of temperate forests was also discovered, with tree trunks, snapped like fragile matches. The snapped trees appeared broken by super strong winds or a powerful tsunami.
Deeper digging discovered evidence of more forests which were underneath the original forest—All this evidence pointed to a cataclysm which had happened regularly over many thousands of years. The secret experiments uncovered further evidence of regular cataclysmic events everywhere the teams looked in the Arctic Circle.

Our magnetic pole is on the move, and how—rapidly on the move in the Northern Hemisphere since 1900. However, I want to bring to your attention what happened to that movement immediately after 1957! Yes, you guessed, we can see on the British Geological Survey map an incredible upsurge in movement since our year 1957. Coincidence? Could our planet be in the process of being dragged into another pole shift? And is the result of a pole shift evidence of the total destruction promised on the Day Of Our Lord?

Well, let's dive deeper, shall we?

Natural disasters since 1900, again, following the pattern!

Our World In Data Natural Disasters Our World In Data warns that the increase in technology caused the steep rise in disaster reports in the 1980s. However, the graph clearly shows a sharp rise directly after 1957—The rise was happening before the increase in tech. 

This graph Natural Disaster By Type/Our World In Data shows multiple disasters by type, unfortunately, it begins in 1970 13 years later than our time frame—But it's the same graph following the same lines as all the others. Every type of disaster is on the rise.

In the chart above, we can see data on the number of reported natural disasters over time. This change over time can be influenced by several factors, namely the increased coverage of reporting over time and of course satellite technology which began its infancy ironically in 1957 with the beginning of the space race and has ironically enabled scientists to track the demise of our world much better since then . . . We can see in the graph above from Our World in Data showing a slight rise from increasing natural disasters over time, however, what happens to the explosion of data on the graph after 1957 shows something quite extraordinary happening! Natural disasters inexplicitly began rising significantly after 1957. Once again, undeniable.

Above, GRID ARENDAL Another graph showing multiple disaster causes since 1900.

Our World In Data once again shows the now famous "Hockey Stick" graph of global rising temperatures, from 1850 up to today. Whatever your stance on climate change, 2024 will be easily the hottest year ever recorded and the past 10 consecutive years have been the warmest 10 on record. More to the point, this graph is an incredible match to all the graphs above— Our World In Data Rising Global Temperatures

Our World In Data Sea Surface Global Temperature since 1850 According to NASA 90% of global warming comes from our oceans—These graphs tell a different story, the warming came from our sun and started in 1957.

Credit RCraig09 Above is a chart by RCraig09 showing the heat content of the ocean, top 200m and top 700m, since 1957. Can you imagine the carnage from storms, hurricanes, and typhoons if this rise in sea temperatures continues for just another five years? The continued rise is lethal for a large percentage of marine life. . . A subject I would also like to draw your attention to it.

CO2-Earth Even the 'dubious' official reason for climate change agrees with all the other data—After a steady climb CO2 rises sharply after 1957 . . .

Environment and eventual social collapse—Death, the inevitable enemy! Our World In Data/World Population Growth Since 1700 
In what could be called inverted data the graph above shows the stress mankind is suffering. Quite clearly, the world population rose incredibly after WWII. However, the future for mankind looks bleak. The above is the 'medium' scenario from the UN. The actual future may quite easily be worse.

The 2014 Living Planet Index (Oxymoron)

 Can you imagine the panic if mankind had declined by 73% in just 50 years? 

Almost eight years ago I began reporting on global wildlife decline: Our planet had by then crossed the tipping point. Back in 2017, they said by 2020 two thirds of all wild animals who once lived in the world would be dead. However, last month a new appraisal was released by the WWF: They claimed that wildlife populations are plummeting. The new 2024 Living Planet Index revealed the scale of the nature crisis.

Between 1970 and 2020, the size of wildlife populations has actually plummeted by almost three quarters 73% on average and not 60% as forecasted in 2017. This is based on almost 35,000 population trends across 5,495 species of amphibians, birds, fish, mammals and reptiles. Regionally, the worst losses happened in Latin America (-95%). Freshwater species experienced the greatest decline—a shocking 85%. See the graph above. Nature is disappearing: The average size of wildlife populations has fallen by a staggering 73% The Living Planet Report 2024 highlights the average change in observed population sizes of 5,495 vertebrate species. It shows a decline of 73% between 1970 and 2020. Can you imagine the panic if mankind had declined by 73% in just 50 years?

Major Earthquakes (magnitude 6 or higher) Another cover-up?

Luke 21:—Jesus Foretells Wars and Persecution
10 Then he said to them, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11 There will be great 'earthquakes,' and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and 'great signs from heaven.'"
I wanted a special sub-section on major quakes because although the data I have recovered from USGS over the years has been juggled around, (by them) the info still sends the correct result. However, a small controversy arose during my research, which I would like to bring to your attention. USGS alter their data frequently. (More on this later)

If 1957 delivered one of the great prophesies from Jesus Christ,  'Great Signs From Heaven.' Namely, the record-breaking burst of sunspot activity—Well, 1957, dropped another Jesus prophesy into our laps, here on Earth . . .


The biggest number of major quakes, (mag 6 or higher) ever recorded in one year literally rocked our planet in the same year as the record-breaking sunspot explosion—1957. Yes, coincidence? 

Or . . . is it?

I have been researching quakes at USGS since 2012—Incredibly,  historical earthquake data on their website is constantly being altered, removed or even added, and that's official, they admit doing it—According to USGS, this is because they are continuously updating earthquake data and information to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date. However, most of the data they are altering is from as far back as 1900 and as recent as the 1970s, how can they find accurate and up-to-date information from events which happened more than 100 years ago?

I did manage to contact them. They go on to say, that updates to earthquakes occur as more data become available for analysis and a more time-intensive analysis is performed. Additional updates are possible in the standard procedure of assembling a final earthquake catalogue. Well, I could understand this logic if they were receiving extra data from 'recent' seismic events but what kind of data are they receiving from quakes which happened more than a hundred years ago? And how on earth can they assemble a final earthquake catalogue if they keep on changing the data. If the catalogue of data is not complete after 100 years, well when will it be?

They also 'add' earthquakes, and sometimes 'remove' them from their files, they say these are false alarms that can occur when relying on an automated system that is trying to get the data out as quickly as possible—Can quakes which have been recently removed from 50 years ago have been a "false alarm?" And what about the hundreds of quakes which have been added? Remember, we are talking about major, mag 6/+ quakes here, not tremours. (where did they come from?) Over the years I have been visiting their site hundreds of major quakes, mag 6 or higher have been added or removed.

USGS World Earthquakes Mag 6 Or Higher/2013 Three times since 2013, I have arduously downloaded every major quake (mag 6 or higher) from 1900 to the present and added the data to a graph to enable an easy and perspective viewing for the reader showing the increase in major quakes from the last 100+ years. Three times ladies and gentlemen. I have posted a completely different graph. The first time I did this was in 2013, see above. The above graph is in perfect sync with all the other disaster and temperature graphs above, however, and I didn't think anything wrong was afoot . . .

However, in 2019 I had a tip-off from Prophecy Watchers claiming USGS had been changing data from their Earthquake files. So, I had to go through the whole procedure once again and upload every major quake from 1900 to the present (2019) into my computer to update my graph. What I found was astonishing!

Major Quakes Since 1900/USGS Data in 2016 The following graph directly below, is the kicker, and is the one which got me so excited! As you can see the graph directly below is nothing like the first one I uploaded. Almost all the data has been systematically altered by USGS.

We can see, quite clearly, as WWI ended in 1918 our planet saw a steady rise in major quakes, (mag 6 or higher.) Indeed, there was. However, they began steadily decreasing as WWII approached. Why did the earth’s seismic activity decline so much during the terrible fighting of WWII? Maybe monitoring stopped in many places, I don't know.

According to USGS files in 2019, just after WWII had ended in 1947 just 29 major quakes, (mag 6 or higher) were recorded during the entire year which was by far the lowest yearly total since 27 were recorded way back in 1921. But something was about to change. . .

A complete reversal happened in 1950, however, and without any indication or warning. Major quakes (mag 6 or higher) suddenly and inexplicably, more than quadrupled from 29 in the year 1947 to an incredible 138—By 1957 that number had increased to 204, an unprecedented number which has only ever been beaten in 2011, the year of the Fukushima quake!

You can not believe my disappointment. When I checked back into USGS in 2022. Yes, data had indeed been tampered with yet again for the third time in 9 years. The graph above, showing the record number of major quakes in 1957 had been altered once again, see below. . .

Major Quakes Since 1900/USGS/ 2022The new graph, Dec 28 2022, above shows more than 120 years of major quakes, however, look below and see the alterations in data (earthquake numbers, added or taken away) since the same graph I made in 2019. For instance, the year 1957 is now showing just 175 major quakes—29 have been deleted? 1905 is showing a massive total of 51 instead of 3! If my maths is correct, more than 1,000 major quakes, mag 6 or higher have been added which were not there when I uploaded my first graph in 2013!

So, once again I wrote to USGS this time I did receive a reply from . . . "Karen" Peterson:
Hello, The USGS is continuously updating earthquake data and information to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date. Updates to earthquakes occur as more data become available for analysis and more time-intensive analysis is performed. Additional updates are possible as part of the standard procedure of assembling a final earthquake catalogue. 
Earthquakes are also sometimes removed from the listing, but these are false alarms that can occur when relying on an automated system that is trying to get the data out as quickly as possible.

So, I guess we will never really know which is the true graph above . . . I have a sneaky feeling the record-breaking 1957 number is the true number, what do you think?


There will be 'great earthquakes,' in various places, and fearful events 'and great signs from heaven.'

On the 4th of October 1957, just a few weeks before our Star's sunspot explosion one of the truly great signs from heaven occurred, something never before seen in the history of mankind. An artificial Earth satellite was launched into space by the Soviet Union. The launch was called 'one of the great scientific feats of the age and had caught the rest of the world very much off guard, especially the Americans.

The launch of Sputnik 1 surprised the American public and shattered their perception of their technological superpower, and their claims that the Soviet Union was a backward country and incapable of launching a satellite into space. The Americans together with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and the Army Ballistic Missile Agency set about building Explorer 1, their own satellite and launched it 4 months later on 31 January 1958. However, the Soviet Union caught the Americans on the hop once more when they launched a second satellite, Sputnik 2, on 3 November 1957.

Lyndon B. Johnson's attitude began to show when in a speech he claimed:

“Control of space means control of the world,”

In 1957, Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) was the Senate Majority Leader and leader of the Democratic political opposition to Republican President, Dwight Eisenhower. LBJ had big space exploration ambitions from the get-go. In a speech to Southwest Texas State University, on May 27 (1962), he boldly claimed how he felt back in 1957 when the Soviets caught the Americans off guard:

"Our very future depended on being the ones who first seized ownership of space." “Control of space means control of the world,” Johnson declared. “From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the gulf stream and change temperate climates to frigid.”

This was never about space exploration, it was about power! 

Little did Johnson realise then but—God had His own plan for the world. Much of his plan is documented, not only in Bible prophecy but also in documents, graphs, books, and science journals. 1957, produced more 'Great Signs From Heaven.'—On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, 1957 just weeks after the Soviet Sputnik 1 launch another truly great sign from heaven occurred. It was also unprecedented never before seen in the history of mankind.

 According to the Royal Observatory of Belgium, along with other scientific observers, during 48 hours, on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, 1957, our star suddenly exploded with a record-busting, 503 sunspots, our sun was suddenly going ballistic . . . See the chart section below.

Royal Observatory Belgium

Our Sun was acting wild, which scared the science community at the time resulting in President Eisenhower authorising the opening of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in July 1958. There is not much in the way of information to be found about the unprecedented, spectacular 48-hour Christmas period of 1957. However, clues are to be found on various scientific websites as the graphs and links above show. 

According to all scientific sites, global temperatures are still rising and accelerating—Solar Cycle 24, however, the last completed cycle which ended in 2000, was officially the 4th-lowest solar irradiance intensity since regular record-keeping began with Solar Cycle 1 way back in 1755. It was also the weakest cycle in 100 years. 

Was Solar Cycle 19 the one which exploded in 1957 the one which sealed the fate of this planet?

Man's arrogance

1957 recorded the record number of major quakes but also the record number of confirmed volcanic eruptions and probably major quakes. What was happening? How could this happen? Was this increase in major seismic and volcanic activity contributed to nuclear testing or was it something else—Was it really a sign from heaven, our sun and another prophecy being fulfilled?

“There will be great earthquakes in one place and another.” And of course, “great signs and fearful sights from heaven.” And both in the same year, 1957 and prophesied in the Bible, some 2,000 years ago?

God is not for turning—Or for changing His mind!

Before I finish up with this long post, I want to remind you of another Bible story, something that happened 4,300 years ago.

God never wanted people in space—Never!

During the time of the Tower of Babel construction, a great warrior called Nimrod decided he was going to build a tower to reach space. (heaven back then).


11 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 
2 As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. 
3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 
4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” 
5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 
6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 
7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.” 
8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 
9 That is why it was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.

Something very similar to Nimrod and his tower happened in 1957. But this time we actually did reach the Heavens . . .

What NASA learned from 1957 . . .

The 1957 Christmas Sunspot Explosion refers to a major solar event during the peak of Solar Cycle 19, one of the most intense solar cycles in recorded history. Here’s what we know about it:

Key Details of the Event

  1. Date: December 24–25, 1957.
  2. Solar Cycle 19: This solar cycle (1954–1964) was marked by extremely high sunspot activity, peaking in 1957-58. The Christmas event occurred during this period of heightened solar activity.
  3. Significance:
    • A massive sunspot group on the Sun’s surface produced intense solar flares and radiation storms.
    • The event generated heightened geomagnetic activity on Earth.

Impacts on Earth

  1. Auroras:

    • Spectacular auroras (northern and southern lights) were reported far from the poles, including over mid-latitude regions.
    • These auroras were visible in Europe and North America, creating a unique "Christmas light" phenomenon.
  2. Radio Blackouts:

    • High-frequency radio communications were disrupted globally due to the intense solar flares.
    • This had significant effects on military, aviation, and maritime operations, which heavily relied on radio at the time.
  3. Magnetic Storms:

    • Earth's magnetic field experienced a strong geomagnetic storm, impacting navigation systems like compasses and early forms of radar.
  4. Scientific Observations:

    • The event provided valuable data for studying solar activity and its impacts on Earth's magnetosphere.
    • It highlighted the relationship between sunspot activity, solar flares, and geomagnetic disturbances.

Context: Solar Cycle 19

  • Sunspot Numbers: Solar Cycle 19 saw the highest recorded sunspot numbers since systematic observations began, with the peak smoothed sunspot number reaching 285.
  • Technological Vulnerability: This was one of the first solar cycles to affect emerging technologies like satellite communications and long-distance radio, showcasing the potential hazards of space weather.

Broader Implications

  1. Space Weather Awareness:

    • Events like the 1957 Christmas Sunspot Explosion emphasized the need for monitoring the Sun to predict and mitigate space weather impacts.
    • It laid the groundwork for developing modern solar observation systems.
  2. Connection to Modern Threats:

    • Similar solar events today could disrupt satellites, GPS systems, and power grids, making them a focus for current space weather research.

Studying Solar Events Like the 1957 Christmas Sunspot Explosion

Understanding and predicting solar events has become crucial due to the potential impacts on modern technology. Here's a breakdown of the scientific tools and techniques used to study such events and their implications:

1. Tools and Techniques for Solar Observation

a. Ground-Based Observatories

  • Solar Telescopes: Instruments like the Big Bear Solar Observatory and the Mauna Loa Solar Observatory monitor sunspots, solar flares, and prominences in high detail.
  • Solar Spectroscopy: Analyzes light emitted by the Sun to study its composition and activity in different layers (photosphere, chromosphere, corona).
  • Radio Telescopes: Detect solar radio emissions, particularly from flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs).

b. Space-Based Observatories

  • SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory): Continuously monitors the Sun's activity, including CMEs and solar wind.
  • SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory): Provides high-resolution images of the Sun in multiple wavelengths.
  • Parker Solar Probe: Launched in 2018, it is the closest-ever mission to the Sun, studying the solar corona and solar wind.
  • GOES Satellites (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites): Measure X-ray flux from solar flares and monitor space weather.

c. Magnetometers

  • Used both on Earth and in space to measure changes in magnetic fields caused by solar activity. This helps scientists predict geomagnetic storms.

2. Key Solar Phenomena Studied

a. Sunspots

  • Dark areas on the Sun's surface are caused by intense magnetic activity.
  • Larger and more numerous during solar maximum, as seen in Solar Cycle 19.

b. Solar Flares

  • Sudden energy releases are caused by magnetic reconnection in the Sun's atmosphere.
  • Emit radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum, disrupting communications on Earth.

c. Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs)

  • Massive bursts of solar wind and magnetic fields ejected into space.
  • When directed at Earth, CMEs can cause geomagnetic storms that affect power grids and satellites.

d. Solar Wind

  • A continuous flow of charged particles from the Sun. Enhanced during solar storms, it interacts with Earth's magnetic field, creating auroras and sometimes damaging infrastructure.

3. Modern Implications of Solar Activity

a. Disruptions to Technology

  • Power Grids: Geomagnetic storms can induce currents in power lines, causing transformers to overheat or fail.
    • Example: The 1989 Quebec Blackout was caused by a geomagnetic storm.
  • Satellites: Solar radiation can damage electronic components and disrupt GPS and communication signals.
  • Aviation: High-altitude flights near the poles are vulnerable to increased radiation during solar storms.

b. Communication and Navigation

  • Radio Blackouts: Solar flares disrupt high-frequency (HF) radio waves, critical for aviation and maritime operations.
  • GPS Degradation: Solar storms interfere with satellite signals, reducing accuracy.

c. Space Exploration

  • Astronauts and spacecraft are at higher risk from solar radiation, necessitating monitoring and shielding.

4. Mitigation Strategies

a. Improved Forecasting

  • NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC): Issues alerts and forecasts for solar activity.
  • Data Sharing: Global collaborations between observatories and space agencies enhance predictive models.

b. Infrastructure Protection

  • Power companies use surge protectors and other technology to safeguard grids from geomagnetically induced currents (GICs).
  • Satellites are designed with radiation-hardened electronics.

c. Policy and Planning

  • Governments and organizations have established protocols to respond to severe space weather events (e.g., the National Space Weather Strategy in the U.S.).

5. Broader Implications

  • Space Weather Research: Events like the 1957 sunspot explosion are reminders of the interconnectedness of solar activity and modern life.
  • Preparedness: The increasing reliance on technology makes understanding and mitigating space weather effects essential.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Educating industries and the public about space weather risks can help minimize potential disruptions.


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