"The best way to cause all people in the world to come together was if we as a species were attacked by beings from another planet."
"And boy that just clicked with me and I knew then, that, this was just another scam."
"We are living in the age of deception, no doubt about it!"
Tools of deception are here.
The following is an excerpt from Ephesians 2.
And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience.
And again in Ephesians 6.
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. “The Prince Of The Air” The Prince Of The Ufo?
On June 28, 2001, William Cooper said America would stage a false-flag attack on a major US city and blame Osama Bin Laden—A name unknown to most Americans.
Six weeks later, on September 11, the towers fell.
William said the government would kill him for revealing the truth.
Six weeks later, William Cooper was killed by a shoot-out with authorities trying to serve him a warrant for . . . Tax evasion.
A very dear friend of mine, Carol Rosin worked with the German rocket expert for NASA, Verner Von Brown in the 70s. He often warned Carol of a very deceptive future strategy that was in place by the US government. He would tell Carol that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy, in fact, when I met him in 74 they were the enemy, she said.
The identified enemy we were told had killer satellites. We were told that they were coming to get us and control us. But, we would build space-based weapons.
Then terrorists would be identified as the enemy and that was soon to follow. Carol heard a lot about terrorism and the US were going to identify third-world country crazies.
We now call them nations of concern but he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would need to build more space-based weapons.
The next enemy was asteroids now at this point he kind of chuckled the first time, he said asteroids against asteroids. We were going to build space-based weapons against asteroids.
So it was funny, then, and the funniest one of all was against what he called aliens, extraterrestrials, that would be the final card and over and over and over during the 4 years that I knew him and was giving his speeches for him he would bring up that last card. [enemy]
Remember Carol the last card is the alien card we're going to have to build space-based weapons against aliens and all of it he said, is 'A Lie'. He didn't mention a timeline but he said that it was going to be speeding up faster than anybody could possibly imagine.
The effort to put weapons in space was not only based on a lie but would accelerate past the point of people even understanding it until it was already up there and too late.–The Great Reset!
How Graphene Oxide and Other New Technology Works
When the graphene oxide is given a positive charge a magnetic field is activated, the graphene oxide is nano-technology and can be delivered by an injection and can easily be present in an individual's body or in wearables and bioelectronics. Graphene is a fantastic conductor of electricity and can host its own magnetic field and is already being used as a tool for connecting human beings to the internet. Graphene Oxide has been given the right to be used in flu vaccines and is used as a lace-fitting cover over Elon Musk's Neural Network.
Our thoughts, movements and actions can now be monitored on a neural network which would be fitted to the brain, this technology is already out there and is being championed by Elon Musk and Bill Gates and computer giants IBM, to name just a few. According to IBM, neural networks reflect the behaviour of the human brain, allowing computer programs to recognize patterns and solve common problems in the fields of AI, machine learning, and deep learning. Now, with the use of lipid nanotechnology, our bodies could quite easily be monitored through the neural link in our heads along with the graphene electrical conductor. George Orwell's "thought Police" could be monitoring our every thought within a few years.
If we had a wrong, or a bad thought, anti-government for instance, we could be quite easily zapped with an electrical shock by anyone monitoring our brain. A positive charge could potentially kill a person depending on how much graphene is in the body. Eventually, when most of the world is walking around with a body full of electrified graphene oxide, a global database will fall automatically into the hands of "The New World Order."
Scientists and the media are quick to dispel such claims as not true. But, companies using this tech can't help showing off their inventions on the net, you just need to know where to look.
Can you remember in 2020 for some strange reason, the topic of 5G suddenly and inexplicitly disappeared from the news, as if it never happened after some people blamed it on COVID. But, it did happen and it can be linked to the vaccines and indeed will be a key ingredient. Our vaccinated body, with its graphene oxide superconductor of electricity, hosting its own magnetic field, along with the neural network in our head, controlling our minds and thoughts and the eventual chip in our hand would allow us to be 100% in control of anyone on the other side of the keyboard.
The Mark Of The Beast
People without this technology would be "locked out." Without the mark of the beast. Unable to work, shop or indeed function in the new digital world. The rest of us would, "own nothing and be happy!" This is exactly what Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum told us was coming back in 2019, just before the start of COVID-19 and WWIII.
After WWIII when the proletariat is on its knees and at its weakest, Project Bluebeam, a holographic nightmare will be launched. People will beg for a new world order, a government that can stop the alien attacks and protect the war-weary public. A giant type holographic god figure would surely be introduced, the all-conquering antichrist, telling the world only he can bring peace. The world will by then have entered the GREAT TRIBULATION PERIOD.
However, the door by this time would be slammed shut! Ironically I received an email this morning with these words, "SOON THE DOOR WILL CLOSE," and many will be pounding on it, begging for it to open," but it will be too late! For billions of people.
There is a connection, according to an NCBI report, (National Institutes of Health), claiming doses of charged particles from 5G, and 4G can cause acute and persistent oxidative stress which can lead to cell and tissue damage, damaging proteins, and DNA and suppressing immune systems, which is probably why Covid-19 has been so destructive in wealthy countries such as the US and all of Europe but not nearly as destructive in 3rd world or poor countries. Also, if our DNA is permanently altered we would no longer be who we were when we were born—Unrecognisable to God or Jesus . . .
With a damaged suppressed immune system we are "sitting ducks" for an attack by a virus such as COVID-19 or any other man-made biological attack. A simple injection is now all that is needed to change a person's DNA, that's all it takes, you wouldn't even know it was happening.
As an innocent boy in the 70s, I was hooked on books by Eric von Deiniken, Charles Berlitz, Morris K. Jessop and others. I saw my first UFO in the late 1970s. A UFO flap in the North of England, I saw a strange metallic-looking, cigar-shaped object with lights appear to land in a field behind houses in Northern Leeds where I lived back then on a cold winter night. I had been driving with friends, and we stopped the car to have a look at the strange lights in the sky. Other people had lined the road to watch the spectacle and was later reported on TV when I arrived home—Much to the surprise of my dad!
So then, recently, the Pentagon and their alphabet organisations, or "intelligence agencies," have for some reason turned full circle, releasing a Preliminary Assessment to prove to the world UFOs are here and they are a problem:
The report say's—Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, also known as the UAP Report and colloquially named the Pentagon UFO Report, is a United States federally mandated assessment, prepared and published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on June 25, 2021, summarizing information regarding unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) which include unidentified flying objects (UFOs).
They have known this since the 40s of course but sadly chose to lie to the world for all these years. Have all the whistleblowers died in vain? of course, they did, they always do. The lies had to be covered up by these monsters—And I don't mean the aliens . . .
Whether you believe in extraterrestrials or interdimensionals, aliens, angels and fallen angels, demons or just man-made flying crafts, UFOs have been finally "normalised" after years and years of toe-curling cover-ups and cringeworthy denials by the US governments. People who dare to write articles about this phenomenon can finally do so without being called a nutjob, or a tin-hatted conspiracy theorist and we won't be threatened by strange government agents wearing dark sunglasses and dressed in black suits! We can all relax, they have finally come clean and are telling the truth. Or are they?
So—Why, when I read the report did alarm bells begin ringing in my head, after all, I have been a UFO enthusiast since the 70s and I am familiar with the intelligence agencies' ongoing deceptions. Surely I surmised, this report is surely, ANOTHER LIE! —Once bitten "forever" smitten has become my go-to mojo when reading anything released by the US Military-Industrial Complex. So what are they up to and why are they lying to us again?
The report was supposed to give "detailed analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena data and intelligence" that had been compiled by the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) and the FBI.
"There's stuff flying in our airspace and we don't know who it is and it's not ours. So we should know who it is, especially if it's an adversary that's made a technological leap." (ERM—NO)
Thanks for the read folks, stay safe and God bless!
I realy think you are on the ball very well written ❤️
Yes you are very on the ball Gary! There are so many things you wrote about in this post that align perfectly with Bible prophecy!!
There is a movie, or it was a TV serial, called "V". Anyone familiar with it? I found it at my local library a few years ago and doing an online search regarding it's subject matter I found some comments saying "that is what the world leaders have planned for you".
It's about an alien invasion of beings that are cloaked to look like humans but under that fake skin they are reptile like evil beings. They come bringing 'peace', advanced technology to cure global warming and environmental pollution/damage. They have super tech to also 'cure' diseases, cancers, and all other kinds of illnesses. They buddy up with media outlets. Cull people to believe in their gifts, but it's all phoney and is the complete opposite.
One of their gifts is a vaccine to cure but instead it gives people disease and cancer. (Sound familiar!?)
They release some horrible substance in to the environment to fix climate change caused by global warming, and it toxifies the world worse then any other thing man has done. That environmental fake fix...something similar to a nuke.
These films as we all know are secret clues and confessions by the literal psychopaths ruling in sight and behind closed doors because that is what psychopaths do. They give clues because secretly they want to be caught and stopped. A cop told me that once!
Now we have Mr MAGA as prez again. He loves saying nuke this and that, recently on camara saying for FL and one of our last hurricanes this summer, 'just nuke that storm and get rid of it'. He removed protective reg's to push the covid vacs. So it's seeming to fit this V script already.
The main theme of this TV film was these aliens wanted to destroy people in order to take their souls! How fitting is that to today's world and to Bible prophecy!?
If, when, the aliens do come to visit us, don't be fooled. Why do we hear about an upcoming ice age? Hmmm, nuclear winter? It's really getting crazy out there now folks! Beware.
Thanks for the input girls!
Re "the literal psychopaths ruling in sight and behind closed doors because that is what psychopaths do. They give clues because secretly they want to be caught and stopped. A cop told me that once!"
I don't think that's the reason. Psychopaths get great enjoyment from exposing the endlessly vast stupidity of the masses (read the scholarly essay The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon” at https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html). It's why they give the masses lots of clues about them and that they're ruling YET the masses are too dumb to ever get it. And even if a few do get it they are easily won back by the psychopaths by their propaganda...
"The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduces them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim." --- Gustave Le Bon, in 1895
Thanks Kevin, I'll look into that, cheers!
Reply to Kevin:
Thanks for your reply to what I said Kevin! Excellent! I loved it!
You are right in everything you said, expanding on understanding the psychopathic mind. Yes, they do get great enjoyment out of deception to the masses, absolutely correct and part of their wickedness it is.
A psychopath is similar to being an addict, they can't stop, even to their own demise, that is why I quoted what a cop once told me because I see the truth in what he said. Just like an addict, they do secretly (somewhere deep inside them) want to be stopped because they know they will eventually destroy themselves along with their evil doings, but at the same time they enjoy the cover up of their illness. That's why it's like a sickness!
You need to comment more often Kevin!! Please do! You have a great perception and understanding of the evil doers.
There is a great physicist from Australia, his name is Dr. John Gideon Hartnett who just wrote a fantastic article on BibleScienceForum.com, reprinted on Health Impact News 12/7/24 (if you dont subscribe to BibleScienceForum), titled "Understanding UFO's: Military, Interstellar, and Interdimensional Insights".
In that article he explains demonic lies which is what psychopaths tell because they are under mind control by satanic forces. Humans describe that as a sickness and give it a name, "psychopaths, addicts", etc. But really it's all demonic possession of some form.
Highly recommend the read of this article.
Hope we hear from you again soon Kevin!
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