Tuesday 13 August 2024

Deep in the catacombs of NASA files lies a small but significant account of something which happened thousands of years ago and, incredibly, may prove to be the most important piece of information in the history of mankind—And proving the Quran is wrong!

This may sound absurd and probably is, but . . . deep in the catacombs of NASA files lies a small but significant account of something which happened thousands of years ago and, incredibly, may prove to be the most important piece of information in the history of mankind! The actual information is easy to miss—But, it's there hiding in plain sight. It is an account of a Lunar Eclipse on April 3 AD33, the date and time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Added information describes the eclipse lasted almost 3 hours which is significant and agrees with Biblical accounts as I will explain below.

It is generally believed by most scholars Jesus was Crucified on Friday, April 3 AD33. The night before, on Thursday evening, Jesus ate a Passover meal with the Twelve (Mark 14:12), his “Last Supper.” In the Pharisaic-rabbinic calendar commonly used in Jesus’s day, Passover always falls on the fifteenth day of Nisan (Exodus 12:6), which begins Thursday after sundown and ends Friday at sundown. In the year a.d. 33, the most likely year of Jesus’s crucifixion, Nisan 15 fell on April 3, yielding April 3, a.d. 33, as the most likely date for the crucifixion. Biblical Studies NASA Link

NASA also claim the duration of the eclipse was roughly three hours which agrees with the Bible . . .

The Death of Jesus, and the three hours of darkness—Matthew 27:

45 From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land. 46 About the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”… 


The University of Chicago states that "Humphreys and Waddington have calculated there was a partial lunar eclipse of the full moon as it rose above Jerusalem on Friday, April 3, AD 33, thus fulfilling the prophecy quoted by Peter that "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come" (Acts 2:20, cf. Joel 2:31).

Certainly, it was fitting that the blood smeared on the door frames of the Israelites in Egypt as "a token upon the houses where ye are" (Exodus 12:13) should prefigure a sanguine moon rising above Jerusalem that night—especially since the eclipse occurred just at moonrise when Jews on Passover Day would have been particularly observant as they waited to commence their evening meal...

The information which blows away the Quran.

However, what makes this piece of information even more significant is that if true, and there is no reason why it shouldn't be, it proves almost beyond doubt, that the Islamic Quran is incorrect regarding Jesus because it claims He did not die, was not crucified but taken by God alive. If the Quran is wrong about Jesus that debunks the whole book . . .  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only thing the Christians got right is something amazing happened in 33 CE - Yahowah returns with his son Dowd in 2033.