Sunday 14 July 2024

More Signs and More Wonders! Revelation 13:3—The Beast from the Sea . . . It couldn't could it?

The Beast from the Sea …

2 The beast I saw was like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of the heads of the beast appeared to be mortally wounded. But the mortal wound was healed, and the whole world marveled and followed the beast. 4 They worshiped the dragon who had given authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can wage war against it?”… 

Or The Grace Of God?



Hawkeye said...

Ha ha! That's the same thought I had the moment I heard this had happened, and funny coincidence is at that moment I got a call telling me of this incident, I just happened to be watching a Bible study video titled " Rise of the antichrist" that AOC Network has out! That video describes possible ways things might play out in these end days according to what is written in the Bible. As I'm watching this video at the part showing a possible assassination attempt on the person who will be the A/C "rising to power" and as in the verse Gary posted, is when my phone rang telling me to turn on the news that someone just tried to kill Trump.
Well it's one more thing to add to all the other crazy shit going on in this insanity world that doesn't add up. It's that pattern I have talked about once again. In fact the only thing that does add up is "the pattern" that is and has been in all other said similar situations of past days. Ahh the patterns! They are always the same. Too much to say there!

Well it does seem to be a possible fit to the verse you quoted Gary, but was that scraped by a bullet ear a mortal wound? Or "appeared to be" a mortal wound? Not really but maybe.
I wonder why, how, are these killers always always some 20 year old kid? Anyone notice that? And always it's an AK rifle. They are getting a bit sloppy IMHO.
OK, so now what's the point to it? Stay tuned folks, I'm sure that question will get answered soon. Oh, poor Trump, the convicted felon running for the highest office of the USA.

Gary Walton said...

And it's great to hear from you too!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from both of you!

Gary Walton said...

Thanks, haha!

Anonymous said...

You realize that the Bible verse you are referring to is after the rapture/harpazo happens. Since the rapture has not happened yet, what you witnessed was just a very intense political assassination attempt.


A mortal wound means

Anonymous said...

A mortal wound means a kill shot, not a failed attempt of a kill shot.

Know your Bible before publishing a false article.

D said...

Nowhere in the Bible has God changed the definition of the beast that was described in Daniel. The book of Daniel clearly tells us that this beast is a combination of a Lion (the Babylon Empire), a Bear (the Medo-Persian Empire) and a Leopard (the Grecian Empire). That key unlocks the ‘hidden’ identity of the beasts in Revelation. (Keep in mind that beasts are never individuals or kings. They were empires or kingdoms.)
This beast described in Revelation 13 is all three of the beasts wrapped up into one giant ugly empire. The beasts of Revelation 13 and 17 are repetitive pictures of world history. To understand these prophecies, we must stay in the geographical area to which the Apostle John referred. At that time, to John, ‘the whole world’ was the Lion, Bear and Leopard region. Revelation 17 tells us more about this beast:
Rev 17:10-11, “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.” [The Greek word here is
oligon, and it means to continue a while, or a limited time, not extensive.]
And there are seven kings: five are fallen… during John’s lifetime, Rome was in power, so the “five fallen” would be the empires before Rome.
Here are the five fallen kingdoms: 1) Israel, 2) Assyria, 3) Babylon, 4) Medo-Persia, 5) Greece. After Rome fell in 476 AD, you must ask yourself what the major empire ruled in the Holy Land next.

D said...

Nowhere in the Bible has God changed the definition of the beast that was described in Daniel. The book of Daniel clearly tells us that this beast is a combination of a Lion (the Babylon Empire), a Bear (the Medo-Persian Empire) and a Leopard (the Grecian Empire). That key unlocks the ‘hidden’ identity of the beasts in Revelation. (Keep in mind that beasts are never individuals or kings. They were empires or kingdoms.)
This beast described in Revelation 13 is all three of the beasts wrapped up into one giant ugly empire. The beasts of Revelation 13 and 17 are repetitive pictures of world history. To understand these prophecies, we must stay in the geographical area to which the Apostle John referred. At that time, to John, ‘the whole world’ was the Lion, Bear and Leopard region. Revelation 17 tells us more about this beast:
Rev 17:10-11, “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.” [The Greek word here is
oligon, and it means to continue a while, or a limited time, not extensive.]
And there are seven kings: five are fallen… during John’s lifetime, Rome was in power, so the “five fallen” would be the empires before Rome.
Here are the five fallen kingdoms: 1) Israel, 2) Assyria, 3) Babylon, 4) Medo-Persia, 5) Greece. After Rome fell in 476 AD, you must ask yourself what the major empire ruled in the Holy Land next.

Hawkeye said...

The rapture happens at the return of Christ, not in the middle of the tribulation as anonymous thinks and wrote. There is nothing in scripture that says or indicates that the rapture takes place as he described. "Know your Bible" before you accuse others of false writings!
Christ returns for His church once, one time, not twice as would have to be the case for thinking the rapture is at mid point in the tribulation years.
Scripture also tells us that the a/c receives what " appeared to be" a mortal wound that miraculously healed. Key word is "appeared" to be, meaning it wasn't really what we saw. So in that part of this failed assassination attempt it does match up to what we saw, fake!
Let's see if we get to see what trumps ear looks like after he removes the bandage, haha. Chances are it will appear to be miraculously healed to look perfectly normal like nothing ever happened, because it really didn't happen but will appear to be a healing miracle, just like when Trump supposedly had covid and was miraculously healed after 3 days. Remember that? He put out a video after being diagnosed and he had zero symptoms of a flu like illness in that video. Not a stuffy nose, not a cough, not a trace of appearing sick. Miraculous healing, kind of already happened when that happened, but covid is not a mortal wound either, so there is probably more fun cinema to come soon!
Why did we hear on video Trump saying to his secret service shielding him behind the podium, "wait, let me get my shoes"?? What the heck was that about? He fell out of his shoes as he easily bent down after the shots were heard? How does that happen? One of those things that doesn't add up, aye?

Anonymous said...

Hawkeye has no eyes. The rapture happens before the tribulation and then 7 years later Christ comes with his army to destroy and rebuild the earth as God intended.

Thessalonians 4:17
Corinthians 15

These chapters do not speak of Christs second coming, but of his meeting true believers in the sky, rescuing them from the tribulation.

Even though you may not believe this, I hope you believe in Jesus as your savior and be spared from the tribulation.

Hawkeye said...

Since when do Christians (aka, true believers) avoid tribulation? Have you forgotten about John and the boys anonymous? Or the Christians who were set on fire alive and used for lamp posts in the streets, or what about the Christians that were eaten alive by lions, did any of them escape suffering? Did John and the boys escape persecution or tribulation? No. In fact the total opposite is true, believers usually are those who suffer the most.
God's people are to escape His wrath, not the tribulation. His wrath is the final Armageddon prophesied.

Hawkeye has perfect eyes, that's what the name stands for. Scripture does not say the church is raptured to escape tribulation and then comes back 7 years later to destroy and rebuild the earth. (Woe to anyone who changes the words written in these scriptures!)

It says, they will meet Christ in the sky for the wedding banquet and then return to earth for the battle with Christ to destroy the a/c. They don't go to Heaven, they meet in the sky and return to earth. In anonymous's remarks believers are raptured before the tribulation and then 7 years later come back...?? Where do they go for 7 years anonymous!? And where do they come back from? Sorry sir but you are wrong. Nothing in scripture says what you wrote. In fact, not even the verses you wrote say what you wrote!?
Corinthians 15? So does that mean 15th chapter? Nothing in chapter 15 of Corinthians talks about believers being spared of the tribulation years, doesn't even speak about the rapture at all, so did you mean Corinthians 1:5 maybe? Not there either.??
Thessalonians 4:17 is speaking about the rapture and the second coming, anonymous said neither of these chapters speak of the second coming but of His meeting true believers...., not true either anonymous. 1 Thessolonians is titled as "Christs second coming"! It does not say as you (anonymous) wrote.
It says, "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
As you all can read this verse as well as I can, nothing written about sparing us from tribulation years, not one word!
In fact, the word 'remain' implies what I have said. Remain. Remain from what? Sort of indicates something bad has occurred and so just some remain.

Just to believe in Jesus is not enough to spare you from tribulation or get you in to the Kingdom of God. Jesus tells us this point blank, "....but Lord didn't we prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name..., (etc.) And Jesus replied to them, away from me I never knew you!"

Walking in the spirit is needed.
Many false prophets shall try to deceive you.

George said...

Yah gave me at least one of His platforms on earth at this time. He has helped me see through the BS in uncanny ways. And recognize the Signs of His coming. This is what His Words seem to say to me. BYW, He is our teacher. No one else ought to be.
1. He will come at the beginning of YAH's 1000-year sabbath. All recognize Adam was created about 6000 years ago. Time-line is in His word and historical records.
2. His 7-Year long 'Times-of-Trouble', of Day-of-YHVH, began on the 40th anniversary of Ron Wyatt discovering the Ark containing Yah's 10 Commandments. Ron broke into the cave on January 6th, 1982. We are now 2-1/2 years into it. This mimics the pattern set in Moses and Joshua's time. 40-years in desert. 7 days/times around Jericho, 7 trumpet blows. Etc.
3. Read Malachi 4, and Zephaniah 2:3 (for example). Almost all folks will be burned up. Those who remember the commandments and 'fear Yah's name, may be hidden. And will be in His Kingdom.

May His Kingdom come. May His will be done.
Elijah simply means MY GOD IS YAH. We are here.

Take A Stand said...

Good job Hawkeye. You are right. There is no rapture. When Jesus comes back at the second coming we will rise to meet Him and come back with Him. I was thinking of this yesterday and said to the Lord that this must be Satan's biggest deception of all time. But people don't bother reading the Bible and searching for themselves, they just believe what they're told. There will be MANY shocked Christians when they realize they are going through the tribulation also.

Hawkeye said...

Thank you 'Take a stand', you too are right! Never really thought of it as you wrote it, but yes, basically there is no rapture, at least no rapture to remove anyone from this tribulation period of these end of days. A very interesting point you've made because there are a lot of said Christians waiting for a rapture to ocurr for them to know it (the final 7 year trib) as a sign, has begun. And so yes it is part of Satan's big lies package to deceive people!
Great input!
I'm not so sure they will realize that they are going through the tribulation though, because brains are kind of scrambled these days so the signs they do not recognize, although that too is a sign, written that the Lord will send them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie(s) because they refused to believe the truth. And boy do I see that these days! Delusional brains absolutely!

Maybe if they are reading TBW we will wake some up in time?

Anonymous said...

surely, the antichrist is Klaus Schwab

Anonymous said...

Wrong again. Christian's will always go through tribulation for following Jesus their entire lives.

The Rapture is imminent. The Church (true believers) will meet Christ in the sky. Then for the rest of the book of revelation the church is no longer mentioned.

Then at Christ's second coming his feet will actually touch down on earth for battle.

I pray you are not here for the actual tribulation.

Anonymous said...

πŸ…½πŸ…ΎπŸ†ƒπŸ…·πŸ…ΈπŸ…½πŸ…Ά πŸ…΅πŸ†„πŸ…½πŸ…½πŸ…ΈπŸ…΄πŸ† πŸ†ƒπŸ…·πŸ…°πŸ…½ πŸ…ΏπŸ†‚πŸ…΄πŸ†„πŸ…³πŸ…Ύ-πŸ…²πŸ…·πŸ†πŸ…ΈπŸ†‚πŸ†ƒπŸ…ΈπŸ…°πŸ…½πŸ†‚ (πŸ…ΎπŸ† πŸ…»πŸ…΄πŸ…΅πŸ†ƒ-πŸ††πŸ…ΈπŸ…½πŸ…ΆπŸ…΄πŸ†πŸ†‚) πŸ…ΌπŸ…ΈπŸ†‚πŸ…°πŸ†ƒπŸ†ƒπŸ†πŸ…ΈπŸ…±πŸ†„πŸ†ƒπŸ…ΈπŸ…½πŸ…Ά πŸ…±πŸ…ΈπŸ…±πŸ…»πŸ…ΈπŸ…²πŸ…°πŸ…» πŸ†…πŸ…΄πŸ†πŸ†‚πŸ…΄πŸ†‚ πŸ†ƒπŸ…Ύ πŸ…ΏπŸ†πŸ…΄πŸ†‚πŸ…ΈπŸ…³πŸ…΄πŸ…½πŸ†ƒ πŸ†ƒπŸ†πŸ†„πŸ…ΌπŸ…Ώ...

Hawkeye said...

This new Johnathan CON video is a perfect example of the "pseudo Christians" misinterpreting Biblical verses that anonymous just commented about.
Fact checks....
*the sabath begins at sun down on Saturday, not noon or during the day as was at the Trump assassination attempt.
*trumps hand and or feet had NO blood on them, clearly seen in every photo of that event, so not an annoiting!
*there are no words in any scriptures referring to or implying that America will be revived or is chosen by God for any good purposes as Mr. CON stated. In fact the complete opposite is what is written.

Those are just 3 examples.
Just a few days ago Trump performed at a new rally, his said wounded ear completely exposed and free from bandage/bandaid, with absolutely no sign of having been injured. That's impossible in less then 2 weeks time. Interesting was trump telling Christians to go vote, go vote and you won't have to do it again in 4 years because "it" will be fixed. Those were his exact words but wtf does that mean?!

Beware of said Biblical scholars that push or endorse the evil people that are in all polly ticks!

Anonymous said...


Take the plank out of your own eye before you start telling others they have a spec in their's.

We are not in the tribulation, and the rapture is coming soon.

If you can still afford to live and provide for your family in a general sense, the tribulation has not taken place yet.

Hawkeye said...

Oh really anonymous? So then the millions of homeless people nation wide...they can't "provide for themselves or any family, so are they in the tribulation alone and no rapture yet Sir. I'm struggling too, am I in the tribulation too (did I miss the rapture??), but not wall street or the wealthy people!?

Your comment is way off! The rich never are or have been and never will be as you say, we have history to prove that.
So stop telling others false information, or provide facts to back up your claims and stop trying to start a fight with us telling the truth.

Have a good day.

Broandrew said...

I agree with : Anon above, You realize that the Bible verse you are referring to is after the rapture/harpazo happens

We have not hit Rev 12 yet? the baby being birthed up. That is the REAL body of believers who gave theor lives to Jesus to serve hos gospel and getting more souls saved. Trump is not the beast, He wants nothing to do with it. Jonathon Chan is right, GOD spared POTUS on July 13th. That was the real Trump that day.

Real Rapture info is here :
I have studied the word RAPTURE for 44 years, after I got a vision of this event during the day, while playing my guitar at a lunch break, I went into a dream for ? 10 minutes, I was by myself at the time. All laid out at
Bro Andrew from

Not from a D.U.M.B. schiff - LOL

Anonymous said...

Hawkeye. Not a single thing you have said here is factual biblical truth.

You are taking biblical text and then twisting it to your opinion.

We are not in THE TRIBULATION, because a loaf of bread does not cost a day's wages yet.

There is a difference between going through tribulation in your life, and THE TRIBULATION.

Again, know your Bible and stop trying to twist Bible verses into your opinion (which seems to be built on hate and not Truth)

Broandrew said...

I back what ANON writes, I was given a vision of this rapture event 44 years ago, so I studied this word for many years. He writes the truth, we have not gotten to Rev 12 the birth of he baby is Christ and his followers, his wise virgins as in Matthew 25. Rev. 1-3 explains 71% of the so called Christians "do not know him, personally, they attend "fake" churches, dead churches, mega churches lead by dead waling mummy pastors, sad to write. King-of-the .net

Broandrew said...

Everyone will find out about the rapture event, the day after it happens. See here :

Broandrew said...

Everyone will find out about the rapture event, the day after it happens. See here :

Anonymous said...


Broandrew said...

What about the big wobble and the sun CME's and solar flares ? Best to drop the rapture theories that just causes division. In CAL we are having the hottest summer ever! Is that due to Nibiru is near? or the $ecert $atanic weather warfare jocks who burn holes in our ozone, everytime they mess with our weather and DEW blow torch fires they stimulate with Haarp DEW weapon beams, burning down the forest lands, to keep folks from living the country and forced into 15 minute Black Rock condo living, no years, no gardens, no chickens, no garages or shops to work out of. No self emplyment, etc. JUST SAY NO to GMO! and PTL always!

Gary Walton said...

Hi BroAndrew,

I will be posting an article about 2024 which has not only recorded the highest number of X-Class flares this century, but, also the largest number of sunspots in the same period and . . . A small mention of how NASA have evidence the crucifixtion of Jesus actualy took place! Stay tuned.

Broandrew said...

You can not say there is no rapture. Unless you want to stay here and miss the Grand Wedding Feast of the Lamb of GOD. We all go up to a Wedding Feast that no one on this page, mentions? That is the main deal of the rapture, escape up before a ELE pole shift. OR the Lord protects the earth and no pole shift happens, but I doubt that one. From my ministry page : "Rapture" (taken away quickly) comes from the Latin Bible 'rapiemur' meaning in English 'rapture', not in the KJ version of Bible. Also the word "harpazo" is also in the original Greek version, penned by Paul of Tarsus, in which means "violently taken away" faster than a twinkle of an eye. 100th of a second! In the modern King James Bible the word 'Rapture' is changed to "caught up" in I Thessalonians. 4:17
The "Rapture" is NOT Doomsday preaching, it is an invitation to a Grand Wedding Feast and your invited up. It is an escape from a pole shift, ELE event, passing of Nibiru constellation? The red dragon in the sky? Rev 12? who knows? only the Father knows the time or hour. We are just to be always ready. I feel the last Trump shall serve his 2nd term, then a huge gospel revival that is already happening today. Look up Mario Murillo and Jessi & Parker Green. Then this rapture event. The "Rapture" the event you will believe in , , after it happens. The door will shut. Most folks will be left behind, due to not trusting in the Savior, making fun of those who do believe in Jesus and live as if He was their best friend. sorry I have to tell you this info. Hoping and praying for you to change your mind, allow the Savior in. He standing at your door. Knocking, smiling laughing and calling your name" wake up, time to go." A Grand Wedding Feast is coming, your the bride of Christ, for you found a friend through this life and you hung with Him as best you could

Broandrew said...

The preachers who describe the RAPTURE/ACCESSION event the best and explain it the best was the late Chuck Missler from and Baptist preacher on Youtube - Robert Breaker. He still preaches online.