Friday, 25 June 2021

TBW Exclusive! Why would more than 20 Russian aircraft and two coastguard ships open fire on a British Navy Ship in the Black Sea? Strange goings-on there since 2017 with GPS readings failing and thousands of birds and dolphins dying in the same area

Google Maps showing the mysterious area in the Black Sea.

There is probably a very sinister reason the Russians didn't want the British Navy anywhere near the waters of Sevastopol on Wednesday. On Wednesday more than 20 Russian aircraft and two coastguard ships shadowed HMS Defender as it was sailing off the coast of Crimea. Moscow's defence ministry said a patrol ship fired warning shots and a jet dropped bombs in the Royal Naval ship's path.

HMS Defender left Russian waters soon after the incident on Wednesday, having ventured as much as three kilometres inside Russian waters. (Sophisticated military equipment doesn't "venture" three kilometres off.) 

There is something very mysterious going on, in and around the waters of Sevastopol in the Black Sea and the Russians have been going to incredible lengths to cover up this mystery since the Summer of 2017. 

What happened to the British Navy ship on Wednesday the 23 of June 2021, is just the latest in a number of "strange events" in the Cape Fiolent waters of the Black Sea. In June 2017,  U.S. Maritime Administration reported that GPS HDOP, Horizontal Dilution of Precision (Global Positioning System) was 25 nautical miles off course. In the same year, hundreds of dead dolphins and birds have been and still are washing up in the same area. (many many more will have died out at sea) Did the British Naval vessel's GPS reading fail placing the British Ship ship in Russian waters unintentionally? 

On the 4th of September, 2017, TBW reported a strange event that happened in the Black Sea area of Novorossiysk, Russia (about 120 miles West of the British Navy incident) when the U.S. Maritime Administration reported that, GPS HDOP, Horizontal Dilution of Precision (Global Positioning System) was showing 0.8 accuracies within 100m, but given the ship's, location, was actually 25 nautical miles off; GPS display. It was an apparent mass and blatant, GPS spoofing attack involving over 20 vessels in the Black Sea which had navigation experts and maritime executives scratching their heads.

(The event happened on June 22, 2017, at 0710 GMT almost exactly 4 years earlier than the British Navy incident.)

An apparent mass and blatant, GPS spoofing attack involving over 20 vessels in the Black Sea has had navigation experts and maritime executives scratching their heads. The event first came to public notice via a relatively innocuous safety alert from the U.S. Maritime Administration: A maritime incident had been reported in the Black Sea in the vicinity of position 44-15.7N, 037-32.9E on June 22, 2017, at 0710 GMT.
This incident has not been confirmed. The nature of the incident is reported as GPS interference.

RSOE Map showing the area affected by the GPS attack in the Black Sea.

But the backstory is way more interesting and disturbing. On June 22, 2017, a vessel reported to the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center: GPS equipment unable to obtain GPS signal intermittently since nearing the coast of Novorossiysk, Russia. Now displays HDOP 0.8 accuracy within 100m, but given location is actually 25 nautical miles off; GPS display. After confirming that there were no anomalies with GPS signals, space weather or tests on-going, the Coast Guard advised the master that GPS accuracy in his area should be three meters and advised him to check his software updates.

The master replied: Thank you for your answer, nevertheless I confirm my GPS equipment is fine.
We ran a self-test a few times and all is working good.
I confirm all ships in the area (more than 20 ships) have the same problem.
I personally contacted three of them via VHF, they confirmed the same.
Sometimes, the position is correct, sometimes is not.
GPS sometimes loses position or displays inaccurate position (high HDOP).
For few days, GPS gave a position inland (near Gelendyhik aiport) but the vessel was actually drifting more than 25 NM from it.
Important: at that time, the GPS system considered the position as "Safe within 100m".
Then last night, the position was correct despite several "lost GPS fixing position" alarm that raised couples of seconds only; then the signal was back to normal.
Now the position is totally wrong again.
Note: you can also check websites like MarineTraffic and you will probably notice that once in a while all ships in the area are shifting inland next to each other.
I hope this can help.
To back up his report, the master sent photos of his navigation displays, a paper chart showing his actual position and GPS-reported position, and his radar display that showed numerous AIS contacts without corresponding radar returns (below).
One of the photos was of the navigation receiver’s “GPS Information Screen.”
This has allowed navigation experts to conclude this was a fairly clear, if not subtle, case of “spoofing” or sending false signals to cause a receiver to provide false information.
They point to the receiver saying its antenna is 39 meters underwater, that all the GPS satellites it is using have the same high signal strength, and that the WER, or Word Error Rate, is 97 per cent (normal is less than 10 per cent).
The RNT Foundation has received numerous anecdotal reports of maritime problems with AIS and GPS in Russian waters, though this is the first publicly available, well-document account, of which we are aware.
Russia has very advanced capabilities to disrupt GPS.
Over 250,000 cell towers in Russia have been equipped with GPS jamming devices as a defence against attack by U.S. missiles.
And there have been press reports of Russian GPS jamming in both Moscow and Ukraine.
In fact, Russia has boasted that its capabilities “make aircraft carriers useless,” and the U.S. The Director of National Intelligence recently issued a report that stated that Russia and others were focusing on improving their capability to jam U.S. satellite systems.

Additional information The Maritime Executive

Quite by accident, it came to my attention this morning that since June 2017, when the GPS attack happened many reports of dead dolphins and birds have been reported around the area of Novorossiysk. As you may well know dolphins and birds need Earth's magnetic field to navigate which got me wondering if the GPS experiments had affected the wildlife. 

On June the 27th 2017, just 5 days after the event above, a press release by the Kyiv Post claimed - KRASNODAR – The number of dead dolphins washed up on the Black Sea beach, from Sochi to Anapa, has reached 167, Krasnodar Territory prosecutor Sergei Tabelsky said.

“Mass dolphin deaths have been registered beginning in March of this year (2017). The highest number of animals washed up ashore was discovered in May – 84 cases, in June – 16 cases.

Scientific organizations concluded that in 99 per cent of cases, the mammals died in the coastal areas of Krasnodar Territory. They were simply thrown ashore by the sea,” Tabelsky said at a regional prosecutors’ forum on local environmental safety issues on June 27. The scientists who investigated mass dolphin deaths have yet to come to a unanimous opinion as to the causes of what happened, the prosecutor said. The investigation was carried out by two Crimean-based scientific organizations and Moscow’s Severtsev Institute of Ecology. “Some of the animals died after having entangled themselves in fishing nets, others from exhaustion, from virus infections, and various parasites. The specialists have so far been "unable" to establish a causal link in the dolphins’ deaths,” Tabelsky said. Full Story

Translated from Russian

150 dead dolphins wash up in two months in Krasnodar, Russia. Russian?

Dolphin Rescue Center "Delfa" is looking for volunteers.

From the very beginning of February, active calls began on the hotline of the centre. So, on February 4, 2017, four emissions were reported at once: an emaciated white barrel in Gelendzhik with traces of being caught in the nets, a white barrel in Vityazevo and an albino azovka in Lazarevskoye. The remains of another dolphin were found in Dzhemet, the dolphin rescue centre said. Experts noted that there are not enough volunteers in the centre in different districts of the region

On the 1st of March, 2021 a report claimed all the beaches of Novorossiysk are strewn with carcasses of dead birdsThe townspeople are posting horrific photos and videos on social media. Residents of Novorossiysk sound the alarm: all the beaches of the city are strewn with carcasses of dead birds. The Novorossiysk have never seen such a number of bird corpses on the shore.

A local picture showing some of the dead birds

The townspeople have removed the new embankment of the city, strewn with dead birds. On the Sudzhuk Spit, in the water area of the Tsemesskaya Bay next to the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov", in Dyurso, in Myskhako. It is noteworthy that all these beaches are buried in garbage - plastic, household waste. Local residents are concerned about the massive death of birds. The situation was commented on by Anton Popovich, head of the commission for the protection and study of natural ecosystems in the North-West Caucasus of the Novorossiysk branch of the Russian Geographical Society. The locals are convinced the deaths are due to garbage. Full Story

Dozens of dead dolphins and birds were found in the Krasnodar Territory.

Four days later, dead dolphins and birds were found on the coast of the village of Dzhubga (Krasnodar Territory). “I don’t know what is being thrown into the water here, this is Dzhubga, but there are a lot of dead birds, dolphins, claimed a reporter. I don’t know what it’s connected with. Moreover, the birds are all of the same species? ”

The same pictures, according to RBC, began to be published in February on social networks residents of Vityazevo and Gelendzhik. The Anapa authorities associate this with the cold, noting that the locals and guests of the resorts help feed the swans, ducks, crested grebes every day, but they cannot save everyone. The head of the press service of the Gelendzhik administration, Yanina Skorikova, told RBC that this is an annual phenomenon. Full Story


1 comment:

  1. The Russians are testing their new weapon in the Black sea, almost every country that gets an advantage in military and technology becomes dangerous.Most advanced countries are led by wolves in sheep clothing,many don't care what happens to me and you. Almost all politicians seek power,money,and deceive the masses. God bless.
