Monday, 21 June 2021

In an incredible disregard for life, the US Navy has used a 40,000lb explosive to test a warship in 'Full Ship Shock Trial.' The explosions indiscriminately kill untold numbers of fish and other marine organisms in the vicinity and can damage or destroy the physical environment.

In an incredible disregard for life, the US Navy has used a 40,000lb explosive to test a warship in 'Full Ship Shock Trial.'

The United States Navy has been carrying out 'Full Ship Shock Trials' off the country's east coast. The 40,000lb (18,143kg) explosion was detonated as part of a test to assess the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford's ability to withstand battle conditions. The US Geological Survey registered the explosion as a 3.9 magnitude earthquake. Following the trials, the warship will return to a dry dock to undergo modernisation, maintenance and repairs.

Underwater shock waves produced by the explosion will have killed or stunned an untold number of fish causing their swim bladders to rupture. This rupturing causes an abrupt loss of buoyancy; a large amount of fish will have floated to the surface, but most will have sunk to the seafloor. The explosions indiscriminately kill untold numbers of fish and other marine organisms in the vicinity and can damage or destroy the physical environment.

During WW2 a single depth charge could create a staggering amount of dead fish that would float to the surface. So a 40,000lb explosive would have been devastating… and it would have killed whales, dolphins as well not to mention bottom feeders.


  1. Hi Gary good on you for writing your book. I may have a publishing lead or two. I will try and get that info to you this week via email.

    I was a Navy/Marine Corpsman for dour years back 1986-1990. The US Navy, Army and Air Force have all morphed into truly Evil entities who are destroying our Earth, Humanity and all life on our once thriving, beautiful planet. What fool is stupid enough to authorize the detonation of a 44,000 lb bomb and who is insane enough to follow those orders? We live in an insane asylum. Sad days indeed. Take Care.

  2. Thanks Christopher, stay safe

  3. In this day in age with computer modeling readily available this type of testing is old school, extremely damaging to the environment and totally unnecessary. Totally unacceptable.
