Friday 21 August 2020

August is continuing to throw up curveballs, record heat in California, record rainfall in Asia and Indo Pakistan: Very very rare indeed! Two tropical storms could hit the US on the same day. The last time that happened was during the great depression, sound familiar?

Earthwindmap showing line of Tropical Depressions and Hurricane Genevieve

August is continuing to throw up curveballs, record heat in California, record rainfall in Asia and Indo Pakistan and now something very very odd and rare indeed. Two tropical storms could hit the US on the same day. The last time that happened was during the great depression, sound familiar? Hmmm.

Tropical storm 14 which will be named Marco as it strengthens is likely to impact Louisiana and Texas early morning on Tuesday.  This system is gradually becoming better organized, and a tropical depression is likely to form in a couple of days when the system reaches the northwestern Caribbean Sea.

Tropical storm 13, likely to be named Laura could impact Florida at the same time.  The details of the long-range track and intensity forecasts are more uncertain than usual because the system could move over the Greater Antilles this weekend. However, this system could bring some storm surge, rainfall and wind impacts to Florida later this weekend.

Hurricanes and Cyclones 2020

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  1. You forgot to mention the record cold and snow in south America and the record surface mass Budget ice gain in Greenland.

  2. Nobody denies climate change, but I can tell you that global warming is not causing this, quite the opposite.
    I'll tell you more: it will get much much worse than what you see now.
    The fires are the product of an ongoing megadrought caused by La Nina.
    Drought will soon spread across a vast territory of the western United States.
    Meanwhile, heavy snowfall, record cold and flooding will be seen on the rest of the American and Canadian territory during the winter.
    Even with growing economies, things will get worse in the rest of the world, affecting millions of people.
    The Arctic with little ice is paradoxically a signal that a global cooling is on the way.
    As has happened in the past.


  3. I see the 2 English speaking commentors are under that american denial syndrome even with the truth right in front of their faces. GW is not causing this, quite the opposite??! Lol, excuse me but trying to see logic in that is impossible. Melting collapsing polar ice is a sign of global cooling on the way? Rinse and repeat and still makes zero sense. Ok, so heat, ice melt, several hurricanes every summer, cyclones in the arctic(?), 100F in the on fire arctic, ice gain in Greenland with photos of no sea ice at all in Greenland, depleted ozone atmosphere, skin pinching burning solar Ray's....that is global cooling now? So in winters when it goes opposite to insane freezing temps every where EXCEPT the arctic, that is global warming? Ok guys.....

    On second thought yea, GW is not causing this visible stream of storms streaming across the atlantic towards the west it is geoengineering causing it!
    These guys have their brains in a bag with that guy they call our president and its oh so obvious because they talk like parrots!

    I just can not understand how 130F degrees is global cooling on the way. It is laughable and they wonder why no one believes them!
    Well thanks Gary for posting it and as follow up to my last comment, surprise (not) swfl is out of the storms forecast cone. Told ya! Haarp is steering these storms and trump is steering those ignorant comments above. No offense guys but you really need help. The lack of cognitive awareness and logic is very ugly and ignorant and no one is listening to you anymore, sorry to say it but it is also quite irritating and utterly nauseating.
