Tuesday 4 February 2020

The very people claiming others are spreading fake news regarding the coronavirus virus are themselves feeding us a never-ending diet of false news: Hero Dr. who tried to warn the world was ordered to stop "spreading false rumours"

Hero! Dr Li was one of eight people who police said were being investigated for "spreading false rumours"

I am reading from around the net that websites and blogs are being shut down for spreading false and fake news concerning the coronavirus when in many cases it is our media and leaders who are spreading fake news.

In early January, authorities in the Chinese city of Wuhan were trying to keep news of a new coronavirus under wraps. When one doctor tried to warn fellow medics about the outbreak, the police paid him a visit and told him to stop. It's a stunning insight into the botched response by local authorities in Wuhan in the early weeks of the coronavirus outbreak. Dr Li was working at the centre of the outbreak in December when he noticed seven cases of a virus that he thought looked like Sars - the virus that led to a global epidemic in 2003.

On 30 December he sent a message to fellow doctors in a chat group warning them about the outbreak and advising they wear protective clothing to avoid infection. What Dr Li didn't know then was that the disease that had been discovered was an entirely new coronavirus. Four days later he had a visit from officials from the Public Security Bureau who told him to sign a letter. In the letter, he was accused of "making false comments" that had "severely disturbed the social order". He was one of eight people who police said were being investigated for "spreading rumours". On 10 January he started coughing, the next day he had a fever and two days later he was in the hospital. His parents also fell ill and were taken to the hospital. It was 10 days later - on 20 January - that China declared the outbreak an emergency.  BBC

You think the Chinese government would have learnt their lesson after trying to cover up the 2003 SARS outbreak, which also went global. The official number of deaths in China today is 425 with 20,440 people infected. More than 70 million people have been quarantined for over a week now and are warned not to go outside, think about it, 70 million people in lockdown, 425 deaths is an insult to our intelligence, hundreds, maybe thousands have probably already died at home who the officials don't even know about. People are falling dead on the street, how many are falling dead at home? Last week the BBC of all people reported, "the number of high cases of the coronavirus was due to the fact, officials had become more skilful at detecting the virus." That is absolute crap? Another report came out of China yesterday claiming criminals and poor people were being immediately incinerated without the deaths being reported. Meanwhile, the boss is taking the credit and avoiding blame, Xi Jinping’s absence from coronavirus frontline is becoming glaringly obvious, he hasn't been seen publicly since the 28th of January.

Off-topic, yesterday, Iran's cruel tyrant leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was caught out lying yet again. leaked remarks suggested Iran knew immediately that it had struck the plane. Ukrainian TV aired an exchange between air traffic control and a pilot who was landing as the jet crashed, I know it has nothing to do with the coronavirus but it outlines the fact, it is one rule for us and another rule for them.


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  1. Dear readers,
    Nothing surprises me anymore about the lies of our governments and main stream media.God will deal with these people shortly, they just don't know it yet.Please read Isaiah chapter 10 verse 1-4.

  2. Please, Bob, keep sending the impressive Bible quotes, they are much appreciated by me and the readers!

  3. My taxi driver said garlic helps. WHO said it false news

    1. Unknown: three crushed garlic gloves and eaten daily within one hour is antiviral.

  4. Please prepare spiritually for this is the decade of tribulation:


  5. Gary,,,,, they are putting their sins on a "credit card",,,, they WILL pay later !!! Ps. 37:1 through 40. verse 9-20-end of 28-end of 34-38 speak of their future. we know by Dan 12:1 and other verses that terrible times are coming but it will soon be over and we can go home and rest,,,,forever!!!

  6. Actually, WHO said garlic is a good natural healthy food which can help but...It won't stop you from becoming infected

  7. if we are truly serving God with our whole heart none of these things should come nigh to our dwelling.

  8. The fake news is designed to make people believe that they don't need to prepare or take precautions. The purpose is to ensure a faster spread of the virus. Big Tech have revealed themselves tools of the evil globalists, and the enemy of all mankind. Delete all your accounts on social media.

  9. How can one trust anything 'rulers' are telling us (e.g., garlic isn't helpful for helping ones' immune system? Anybody promoting this disinformation must have dropped from the sky (or come up from below) as they definitely have not experienced natural principles). Even these 'rulers' know that they have become unbelievable, and that's why they crack down on anything they deem as 'controversial' or not helpful to their plans (you see, I avoided the loaded term 'agenda'). http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/event201/191017-press-release.html

  10. Wait until Nov. when Donald Trump declares martial law and suspends the election. Trump would claim that going to the poles would spread the coronavirus.

  11. Forget all the nonsense, pray to the Lord our God to save you, then you can go on w/ your life knowing that whatever happens is what God wants & there is no way to stop the End of Age. I believe that we as Christians of faith should still be informed about our current events, but not be surprised of how bad it is getting. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

  12. If we are to believe our Bible, it's gonna get a lot worse than this, Unknown.

  13. Gary, I'm a little late responding here, but just saw your question asking WHO said garlic is a good healthy food which can help....? I did!
    It WILL prevent you from catching this virus or any other cold/flu absolutely!! I'm not sure why you said it won't keep you from getting infected but that is incorrect. If you eat at least 2 raw garlic cloves everyday you will not ever get sick and if you are sick you can safely eat up to 15 cloves a day and it will heal you guaranteed! Eat as many as you want, no side effects that will harm you. Bad breath is all but what matters most is getting or staying well so so what, you have a little garlic breath! That is your shield, keeps bad guys away. That's where the old tales of keeping vampires away with garlic comes from. Means garlic keeps evil from entering your body.
    I speak from my own personal experience. I tested it and had fantastic results, I am healed when no doctors could help me.
    I kept praying to God to tell me what to put in my body to get better as I was sick a long time and becoming acute. I felt it could kill me I was so sick, in pain and worried about it. So, my prayers were answered through a craving I received to eat a garlic chicken recipe I used to make. That recipe includes about 20 cloves of garlic! After praying I awoke craving that for dinner. So not connecting the God dots I cooked it that evening then within 2 hours began to feel slight relief of my symptoms and whamo! I instantly connected the God dots. He gave me that craving answering my prayers.
    I then researched several informational documents on garlic, found a small book in my office out of the blue titled ' the miracle of garlic and apple cider vinegar'. On an on with garlic confirmation episodes just coming to me like crazy enforcing the fact that God delivered me the answer to heal.
    It is written, 'Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food'!!
    Listen to the Bible, ignore what man says in contrast to it, and watch your life improve dramatically through the power of God that lies within every single one of us if we choose to access it! There lies the entire secret, free will! Your choice. Believe or not believe. Its that easy. Believe! Eat raw garlic it will be your shield I promise you because God told me and I am well!

  14. Haha, no I meant World Health Organisation, (WHO), they said garlic was a good healthy food to take, blah blah blah...Miscommunication Garlic is good for sure: Thanks for the tip.
