Thursday 16 February 2017

The stricken Oroville Dam in more danger as jet stream set to pound California for the next 10 days bringing torential rain

Photo Natural News
  • Jet stream to continuously pound California over the next ten days 
  • Since the beginning of the year California has received over 200% above what is normal for this time of the year with much more to come in the next ten days
  • The average annual rainfall of about 50 inches had already been overtaken with 68 inches in 2017 alone and another 6+ inches is possible over the next week-to-ten days
The stricken Oroville Dam is in for more torrential rain as the jet stream will continuously pound California over the next ten days and bring huge amounts of moisture from the Pacific Ocean into the state.
The dam will take a direct hit as the jet stream pounds California.

After five years of a miserable drought, incredible amounts of rain have piled up in just two months across low-lying areas of the state, mountains of snow have accumulated in the higher elevations of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and much more is to come over the next 10 days.
Below a chart showing the jet stream's head on collision with California bringing more than 6 inches of rain in the coming days.

Computer forecast models indicate a powerful jet stream will continuously pound California over the next ten days and bring copious amounts of moisture from off of the Pacific Ocean into the state.  This 10-day loop of predicted upper-level winds at 250 mb are in 6-hour increments from today until Thursday, February 23rd; maps courtesy, NOAA/EMC (GFS)
Since the beginning of the year California has received over 200% above what is normal for this time of the year with much more to come in the next ten days
A storm arrived on Wednesday night witch will continue into Thursday with a second storm to California by the weekend.
The average annual rainfall of about 50 inches had already been overtaken with 68 inches in 2017 alone and another 6+ inches is possible over the next week-to-ten days, reports Anthony Watts, from



  1. wow, it is frustrating to see now comments on this whole thing. Anyone who has seen the recent Fukushima camera/data releases on the 530 Seivert per hour releases from Reactor 2 alone and then seeing the drift of the ocean moisture from Japan almost straight across to West Coast US will put the dots together, let alone the moisture levels. Forget the sea concentration, it's in the rain folks. Thank you Gary for your posts I will try to comment so as to cheer you up that someone gets the whole picture and appreciates your hard work.

  2. Damn?
    For lack of a better comment that sucks...
    Dutchsinse' S Earthquake tracking a few days ago has identified that same area for a 5.4 mag quake and I know there has been much minor activity since.
    God Bless you all and may God Bless us Everyone!

  3. Wow! Such a great thing this weather did. Great and scary at the same time! Hope You are doing well there! I'll pray for you!

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