Sunday 30 October 2016

Leaked Army video shows 'near' future of urban hellscapes

According to a startling Pentagon video obtained by The Intercept, the future of global cities will be an amalgam of the settings of "Escape from New York" and "Robocop" — with dashes of the "Warriors" and "Divergent" thrown in.
It will be a world of Robert Kaplan-esque urban hellscapes — brutal and anarchic supercities filled with gangs of youth-gone-wild, a restive underclass, criminal syndicates, and bands of malicious hackers.
At least that's the scenario outlined in "Megacities:
Urban Future, the Emerging Complexity," a five-minute video that has been used at the Pentagon's Joint Special Operations University.
All that stands between the coming chaos and the good people of Lagos and Dhaka (or maybe even New York City) is the U.S. Army, according to the video, which The Intercept obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.


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The Battle of Gog and Magog? Russia Iran and Turkey come together North Korea prepares for the "end" and German's are told to stock up for disaster!


  1. Interesting that at 3:37 they mention "drain the swamp." Trump's new words or military's new words? Are they preparing the masses for "draining the swamp?"
